CiênciaVitae: 991B-FB8B-840C
Lattes: 3959801420263109
ORCID: 0000-0003-2444-9905
Scopus: 55933015500
Networks andérgioDiasBranco
Estudo Geral:
Humanities Commons:
Research Gate:
Areas of SpecialisationFilm and Television Studies; Philosophy; Religious Studies; Theology; Working-Class Studies.
Positions2025. Visiting Scholar. Divinity School, Duke University.
2019-. Research collaborator at Nova Institute of Philosophy - Nova University of Lisbon.
2019-. Research collaborator at the Research Centre for Theology and Religious Studies - Catholic University of Portugal.
2019-. Researcher at the Centre for Interdisciplinary Studies - University of Coimbra.
2019. Research visitor. Aquinas Institute, Blackfriars Hall, University of Oxford, 26-27 Sept.
2017-18. Research collaborator at Centre for 20th Century Interdisciplinary Studies - University of Coimbra.
2017-18. Researcher at Nova Institute of Philosophy - Nova University of Lisbon.
2014-16. Researcher at the Centre for 20th Century Interdisciplinary Studies - University of Coimbra.
2010-13. Researcher at the Institute for Philosophy of Language - Nova University of Lisbon.
2009. Research collaborator at the Institute for Philosophy of Language - Nova University of Lisbon.
Coordination2025-. Co-coordinator of the research group “Artistic Practices: Imagination, Materialities and Transitions.” Centre for Interdisciplinary Studies - Universidade de Coimbra.
2022-. Co-coordinator of the GT Cinema e Materialidades (WG Film and Materialities). Association of Moving Image Researchers.
2020-23. Co-coordinator of the research line “Image and Alterity” of the research group “Art Trends and Intellectual Movements.” Centre for 20th Century Interdisciplinary Studies - University of Coimbra.
2019-21. Co-coordinator of the research group “Art Trends and Intellectual Movements.” Centre for 20th Century Interdisciplinary Studies - University of Coimbra.
2017. Coordinator of the research line “Cinema:Theory/Practice.” Centre for 20th Century Interdisciplinary Studies - University of Coimbra.
Projects2022-. Researcher for the network “COREnet: Connecting Theory and Practical Issues of Migration and Religious Diversity” (CA20107), coord. Milda Alisauskiene. COST - European Cooperation in Science and Technology.
2022-23. Researcher for the project “ EQUAL.STEAM: Integrated Program for Attraction and Retention of Girls and Women in Higher Education in Technological and Engineering Areas”. University of Coimbra, with financial support from Portugal 2020 and the European Union.
2020-. Coordinator of the project “FID: Film and Interreligious Dialogue”. Centre for Interdisciplinary Studies - University of Coimbra.
2020-. Researcher for the project “Common Home and New Ways of Living Interculturally: Public Theology and Ecology of Culture in Pandemic Times”, coord. Alex Villas Boas. Research Centre for Theology and Religious Studies - Catholic University of Portugal.
2019-20. Vice-coordinator of the project “À Margem do Cinema Português: Estudos sobre o Cinema Afrodescendente Produzido em Portugal” [“At the Margin of Portuguese Cinema: Studies on the African Descent Cinema Produced in Portugal”] (no. 217381). Centre for 20th Century Interdisciplinary Studies - University of Coimbra, with financial support from the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation.
2009-13. Researcher for the project “Film and Philosophy: Mapping an Encounter” (PTDC/FIL - FIL/098143/2008), coord. João Mário Grilo. Nova Institute of Philosophy, with financial support from the Foundation for Science and Technology.
Groups2022-. Member of the GT Cinema e Materialidades (WG Film and Materialities). Association of Moving Image Researchers.
2008-20. Member of the film criticism group “The Magnifying Class,” coord. Andrew Klevan. University of Oxford.