6. Teaching

BA Courses

2011-. At the University of Coimbra: Art and Multimedia; Art and Television; Art Studies Seminar: Cinema; Cinema History and Aesthetics I; Cinema History and Aesthetics II; Cinema History and Aesthetics III; Construction of the Filmic Image; Film Analysis; Film Criticism; Initiation to Arts; Introduction to Film Studies; Workshop of Cinema.

2010-11. At Nova University of Lisbon: Film Programming; Filmology.

2007-9. At the University of Kent: Introduction to Narrative Cinema I: American Cinema; Introduction to Narrative Cinema II: World Cinema; Introduction to Television Studies; Long Essay in Film Studies.

MA Courses

2011-. At the University of Coimbra: Art Practices and Research in the Arts; Cinema and Other Arts; Film Genres; Film Theory.

PhD Courses

2019-. At the University of Coimbra: Hybridism and Transdisciplinarity in the Arts; Research Methodologies in Art Studies; Societies and Cultures (invited classes).

In Other Programmes

2024. At the University of Lisbon: session “Memória e Esquecimento: 48” [“Memory and Oblivion: 48”] and in-person session on ongoing written work in the Open Programme “O 25 de Abril Através do Cinema” [“The 25th of April Through Cinema”].

Classes and Seminars

2025. “Cinema e Diálogo Inter-Religioso” [“Cinema and Inter-Religious Dialogue”]. Horizon Line: Meetings Between Religious Communities Around Cinema. University of Coimbra Campus at Figueira da Foz, 11 Jan.

2025. “O Cinema no Contexto da Revolução Democrática” [“Cinema in the Context of the Democratic Revolution”]. Seminar on Citizenship, Democracy and Reformism. Catholic University of Portugal, Lisbon, 16 Jan.

2024. “Cinema, Religiões e Diálogo Inter-Religioso” [“Cinema, Religions and Inter-Religious Dialogue”]. History of Religions, in the BA in History. University of Coimbra, 16 May.

2024. “E Agora? Lembra-me (What Now? Remind Me, 2013): Gender, Sexuality, Religion.” Today’s Portugal: Crossroads of Identities Seen Through Cinema – Open Classes. University of Geneva, 9 Dec.

2024. “O Alargamento a Leste: Novas Identidades e Expressões Artísticas” [“The Enlargement to the East: New Identities and Artistic Expressions”]. Webinar EnlargEU: Pensar o Passado, Perspetivas o Futuro [EnlargEU Webinar: Thinking about the Past, Perspectives for the Future]. University of Coimbra. Online, 21 Mar.

2024. “The Revolution in Motion: Filming in the Revolutionary Period.” Conferences and Projections Programme: The Portuguese Revolution in Images. University of Geneva, 18 Mar.

2024. Chair, with Susana de Sousa Dias, Raquel Schefer, and Clemente Alves. “Cinema, Resistência e Liberdade” [“Cinema, Resistance and Freedom”]. National Plan for Film: ACD. Online, 7 Mar.

2023. With Aleksandra Djurić Milovanović. “The Contribution of Interreligious Dialogue to Narratives on Migration.” COREnet Ph.D.Summer School “Religious and Non-Religious Narratives on Migration”. University of Viena, 14 Jul.

2022. “Cinema e Propaganda” [“Cinema and Propaganda”]. Media History, in the BA in Journalism and Communication. Universidade de Coimbra, 28 Mar.

2022. “Saramago e o Cinema” [“Saramago and Film”]. National Plan for Film: ACD. Online, 14 Nov.

2021. “Imagens Digitadas” [“Digitated Images”]. Thinking Out Lab. University of Coimbra, 19 Nov.

2021. “A Mesa da Divisão: Classe e Cristianismo em A Última Ceia (1976)” [“The Table of Division: Class and Christianity in The Last Supper (1976)”]. MA in Comparative Ibero-American Literatures. Nova University of Lisbon. Online, 23 Apr.

2021. “Um Pai, Um Deus: Sobre os Filmes do Projeto Global Entre a Comunidade Judaica e a Diocese do Porto” [“One Father, One God: On the Films of the Global Project Between the Jewish Community and the Roman Catholic Diocese of Porto”]. Diaspora Studies Summer School “Discourse and Culture in Portuguese Sephardic Diaspora.” University of Coimbra, 15 Jul.

2021. “O Cinema Português Desde 1974” [“Portuguese Cinema Since 1974”]. 97.º Summer Course in Portuguese Language and Culture: Performing Arts in Portugal. University of Coimbra, 14 Jul.

2020. “A Digitação das Imagens em Movimento” [“Digitising Images in Motion”]. Societies and Cultures, in the PhD in Contemporary Studies. University of Coimbra, 20 Jan.

2020. “A Identidade como Facto Colectivo” [“Identity as a Collective Fact”]. Societies and Cultures, in the PhD in Contemporary Studies. University of Coimbra, 21 Jan.

2019. “Digitações: Cinema Digital e Materialidade” [“Digitations: Digital Cinema and Materiality”]. University of Brasilia, 18 Jun.

2019. “Digitar o Digital” [“Digitating the Digital”]. “On Cinema” Spring Seminar. Catholic University of Portugal, Porto, 23 May.

2019. “Os Lugares da Esperança” [“The Places of Hope”]. Permanent Seminar - Research Group on Cinema & Philosophy. Nova University of Lisbon, 10 Apr.

2019. “Morte e Interioridade: O Cinema e a Filosofia de Os Viciosos (1994)” [“Death and Interiority: The Cinema and Philosophy of The Addiction (1994)”]. MA in History, Modern and Contemporary Era path. University of Coimbra, 11 Mar.

2019. “Videoclipe” [“Video Clip”]. “ABC do Cinema” [“ABC of Cinema”] course. Nova University of Lisbon, 6 Feb.

2019. “Digitações: Cinema Digital e Materialidade” [“Digitations: Digital Cinema and Materiality”]. University of Brasilia, 18 Jun.

2018. “‘A Cultura É Política’: O Cinema de Ousmane Sembène na África Pós-Colonial”[“‘Culture Is Political’: Ousmane Sembène’s Cinema in Postcolonial Africa”]. Seminário Permanente: “Cinema e Pós-Colonialismo” [Permanent Seminar:“Cinema and Postcolonialism”]. University of Coimbra, 7 Nov.

2018. “Mulheres Especulares: Género e Desdobramento no Neo-Noir de Brian De Palma” [“Specular Women: Gender and Unfolding in Brian De Palma’s Neo-Noir”]. Seminário RIAL: “Espelhos do Film Noir” [RIAL Seminar: “Mirrors of Film Noir”]. University of Lisbon, 17 Oct.

2018. “Spectres of Today: Fractured History and Digital Modulation in Horse Money (2014)”. (Post)Colonial Images: An Intermedial Approach. University of Reading, 21 Jun.

2018. With Catarina Mourão. “A Toca do Lobo” [“The Wolf’s Lair”]. PhD in Contemporary Art. University of Coimbra, 4 May.

2017. “O Assombro da Imagem” [“The Haunting of Image”]. Film and Philosophy: Contemporary Approaches. Nova University of Lisbon, 25 Oct. 2017.

2017. “O Mundo Digital” [“The Digital World”]. National Plan for Film. Avelar Brotero Secondary School, Coimbra, 27 Jan.

2017. “O Neo-Realismo Italiano e o Resguardo da Memória” [“Italian Neo-Realism and the Sheltering of Memory”]. Módulo de Património [Module on Heritage]. Senior University of Figueira da Foz, 8 Nov.

2017. “Pensar Politicamente, Religiosamente, Cinematograficamente” [“Thinking Politically, Religiously, Cinematically”]. Permanent Seminar - Research Group on Cinema & Philosophy, “Inter‐sessions / Intercessions / Interceptions.” Nova University of Lisbon, 30 Oct.

2017. “Por Dentro das Imagens” [“Within Images: Film Works, Cinema Ideas”]. PhD in Contemporary Art. University of Coimbra, 17 Feb.

2017. With the film criticism group “The Magnifying Class”. About the film Like Someone in Love (2012). The Magnifying Class #16. University of Oxford, 14 Sept.

2016. “Observing the Unobserved: Thinking Through Sensory Cinema with Walter Benjamin.” Forum of the Real: On Sensory Cinema. Rivoli Theatre, Porto, 2 Dec.

2016. “Os Sons Não-Musicais dos Telediscos” [“The Non-Musical Sounds of Video Clips”]. Festival Guimarães Cinema Som. José de Guimarães International Art Centre - Platform of Arts and Creativity, 12 Oct.

2015. “Um Mundo Completo Sem Nós, Presente para Nós: Stanley Cavell e o Pensamento Materialista do Cinema” [“A World Complete Without Us, Present to Us: Stanley Cavell and Materialist Thought on Film”]. MA in Cinema. University of Beira Interior, 16 Apr.

2015. “A Noite da Imagem: Migração e Distracção no Cinema de David Lynch” [“The Night of Image: Migration and Distraction in David Lynch’s Cinema”]. Anozero: Coimbra Contemporary Art Biennial. Sereia Circle - Municipal House of Culture, 28 Nov.

2014. “Fotografar, Filmar, Escrever” [“Photographing. Filming, Writing”]. Al Berto: O Último Habitante [Al Berto: The Last Inhabitant]. Casa da Esquina, 21 Mar.

2014. “From Us to Us: Um Adeus Português in 1980’s Portugal.” Memories of Change: Cinema and Culture in Portugal After the Carnation Revolution. University College London, 8 Dec.

2014. “Imagens Digitadas: Produção e Estética do Cinema Digital” [“Digited Images: Production and Aesthetics in Digital Cinema”]. Neurological Landscapes 2. University of Coimbra, 2 May.

2014. “A Memória Resistente da Guerra no Cinema Vietnamita” [“The Resistant Memory of War in Vietnamese Cinema”]. DHEEAA Permanent Seminar. University of Coimbra, 1 Apr.

2014. With the film criticism group “The Magnifying Class.” About the film On Dangerous Ground (1951). The Magnifying Class #14. University of Oxford, 24 May. 2013. “The Cinematic.” Nova University of Lisbon, 16 Jan.

2013. “Espaço, Tempo, e Gesto na Comédia de Situação Americana Clássica” [“Space, Time, and Gesture in the Classical American Sitcom”]. PhD in American Studies. University of Coimbra, 1 Nov.

2013. With the film criticism group “The Magnifying Class.” About the film The Man Without a Past (Mies vailla menneisyyttä, 2002). The Magnifying Class #11. University of Oxford, 15 Mar.

2012. “Alta (In)definição: Entre Nós e as Imagens Digitais” [“High (In)definition: Between Us and Digital Images”]. Summer University. University of Coimbra, 27 Jul.

2012. “A Cidade das Imagens” [“The City of Images”]. Workshop: CutCity 2012. Lusophone University, 27 Feb.

2012. “‘What Is Cinema?’ by Noël Carroll.” Nova University of Lisbon, 17 Jul.

2012. With the film criticism group “The Magnifying Class”. About the film The Story of the Last Chrysanthemum (Zangiku monogatari, 1939). The Magnifying Class #10. University of Oxford, 5 Oct.

2011. With the film criticism group “The Magnifying Class.” About the film Ordet (1955). The Magnifying Class #8. University of Oxford, 10 Feb.

2010. “The Virtual Life of Film.” Seminários em Volta de D. N. Rodowick [Seminaries Around D. N. Rodowick]. Nova University of Lisbon, 27 Apr.

2010. With the film criticism group “The Magnifying Class.” About the film Still Life (Sanxia haoren, 2006). The Magnifying Class #7. University of Oxford, 5 Mar.

2009. “Compreensões do Cinema: Funções da Linguagem Analítica e Crítica” [“Comprehensions of Film: Functions of Analytic and Critical Language”]. Nova University of Lisbon, 20 May. Minho University, 21 May.

2009. “Each Voice: Internal Variation in Grey’s Anatomy.”. Graduate Student Presentations. University of Kent, 27 May.

2009. With the film criticism group “The Magnifying Class.” About the film Trafic (1971). The Magnifying Class #6. University of Oxford, 3 Dec.

2009. With the film criticism group “The Magnifying Class.” About the film Elephant (2003). The Magnifying Class #5. University of Oxford, 18 Jun.

2009. With the film criticism group “The Magnifying Class.” About the film The Little Foxes (1941). The Magnifying Class #4. University of Oxford, 12 Mar.

2008. “Cowboys no Espaço: Convergências de Género em Firefly e Serenity” [“Cowboys in Space: Genre Convergences in Firefly and Serenity”]. Fantastic Forum 2008. University of Lisbon, 4 Oct.

2008. “Visualising Inference: Image and Sound Motifs in CBS Police Procedurals”. Graduate Student Presentations. University of Kent, 21 May.

2008. With the film criticism group “The Magnifying Class”. About the film Charulata (1964). The Magnifying Class #3. University of Oxford, 5 Dec.

2005. “Imagens Sequências: A Partir do Conceito de Storyboard” [“Images Sequences: From the Concept of Storyboard”]. Lusophone University, Lisbon, 11 Dec.

2003. “Narração do Espaço, Espaço da Narrativa” [“Narration of Space, Space of the Narrative”]. Manuel Teixeira Gomes Higher Institute, 12 Nov.


2024. “Análise da Evolução Cinematográfica” [“Analysis of Cinematic Evolution”]. Encontro Nacional de Estudantes de Letras [National Meeting of Art and Humanities Students]. University of Coimbra, 13 Abr.

2016. With João Maria André. Intercultural workshop about the film Fire at Sea (Fuocoammare, 2016). Academic Theatre of Gil Vicente - University of Coimbra, 28 Nov.