5. Presentations

Accepted Papers

2024. “Dialéctica do Cinema” [“Dialectics of Cinema”]. XIII AIM International Conference. Higher School of Arts of Porto, 31 May.

2024. “Our Lady of Struggle: Marian Devotion and Organized Labor in Salt of the Earth (1954).” Class and Diversity: WCSA 2024 Conference. State University of New York at Old Westbury, 7 Jun.

2023. “Building Cars and Destroying Men: Working Class Representation as Christian Allegory in Blue Collar (1978).” Class Cultures: Working-Class Studies Association 2023 Symposium. University of Illinois in Chicago. Online, 16 Jun.

2023. “Jordan Peele, Autor Negro: Foge (2017), da Página ao Ecrã” [“Jordan Peele, Black Auteur: Get Out (2017), from Page to Screen”]. XII AIM International Conference. University of Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro, 2 Jun.

2023. “‘Todos Estes Sofrimentos’: Colonialismo e Dor em Cavalo Dinheiro (2014)” [“‘All of These Sufferings’: Colonialism and Pain in Horse Money (2014)”]. Pensar o Século XX. Olhares do Século Vinte e Um [Thinking the 20th Century. Twenty-first Century Perspectives]. University of Coimbra, 1 Fev.

2022. “Elogio de um Género Político: Foge (2017) e o Cinema de Terror Americano” [“In Praise of a Political Genre: Get Out (2017) and American Horror Film”]. XI AIM Annual Meeting. University of Évora, 28 May.

2022. “Merciful Hope: A Theological Reading of Silent Light (2007).” Arts, Literature and Culture: A Religious Perspective. Catholic University of Portugal, Lisbon, 16 Nov.

2021. “Cinema e Marxismo, Pontos de Fuga” [“Cinema and Marxism, Vanishing Points”]. X AIM Annual Meeting. Online, 28 May.

2021. “The Economy of Fratricide: Class Relations and Political Filmmaking in Force of Evil (1948).” Working-Class Studies Association 2021 Conference: “Re-Placing Class.” Youngstown State University. Online, 9 Jun.

2019. “As Kindled Wood: Imagery in the Thomistic Account of the Theological Virtues.” Early Career Conference in Catholic Theology and Catholic Studies. Durham University, 12 Jun.

2019. “Um Corpo Vivo: Corporeidade e Amor em Ida (2013)” [“A Living Body: Corporeity and Love in Ida (2013)”]. IX AIM Annual Meeting. University of Santiago de Compostela, 14 May.

2019. “Unusual Life: Loving Gestures and Sacredness in Ida (2013).” I International Colloquium “Gesture and Belief”: Routes, Transfers and Intermediality. University of Porto, 20 Mar.

2018. “Commodities in Transit: Restrained Circulation and Transnational Exploitation in Transe (2006).” Working-Class Studies Association 2018 Conference: “Class at the Border: Migration, Confinement, and (Im)mobility.” Stony Brook University, 9 Jun.

2018. “Sentidos do Mundo: O Cinema a Partir da Teologia de Paul Tillich” [“Senses of the World: Film from Paul Tillich’s Theology”]. VIII AIM Annual Meeting. University of Aveiro, 19 May.

2018. “Terra e Poder: As Paisagens do Cinema Pós-Colonialista de Ousmane Sembène” [“Land and Power: The Landscapes of Ousmane Sembène’s Postcolonial Cinema”]. International Conference on Landscape and Cinema. University of Lisbon, 5 Dec.

2017. “Divinely Human: Robert Bresson’s Spiritual Reflections.” The Place of Religion in Film. Syracuse University, 31 Mar.

2017. “Uma Prática Decisiva: A Crítica de Cinema e a Questão do Valor” [“A Decisive Practice: Film Criticism and the Question of Value”]. VII AIM Annual Meeting. University of Minho, Braga, 12 May.

2016. “Ajustar a Atenção: Sobre o Estudo Detalhado de Obras Cinematográficas” [“Adjusting Attention: On the Detailed Study of Cinematic Works”]. VI AIM Annual Meeting. Catholic University of Portugal, Porto, 6 May.

2016. “O Urbano e o Doméstico: Os Espaços do Film Noir Americano” [“The Urban and the Domestic: The Spaces of American Film Noir”]. International Conference on Space and Cinema. University of Lisbon, 28 Nov.

2016. “Vídeos Musicais e Planos Longos” [“Music Videos and Long Takes”]. Cinema and Other Arts. University of Beira Interior, 30 Sept.

2015. “O Cinema como Ética” [“Film as Ethics”]. V AIM Annual Meeting. Higher Institute for Labour and Business Sciences - University Institute of Lisbon, 23 May.

2015. “Evaluating and Valuing in Film Criticism.” Film-Philosophy Conference 2015: The Evaluation of Form. University of Oxford, 20 Jul.

2015. “Glauber Rocha: Fome, Sonho, Estética” [“Glauber Rocha: Hunger, Dream, Aesthetics”]. I Encounter of Visual Culture: The Sharing of the Visible - Politics of the Look. University of Coimbra, 11 Nov.

2015. “A Identidade como Facto Colectivo em Palombella rossa” [“Identity as Collective Fact in Palombella rossa”]. AVANCA | CINEMA 2015: International Conference on Cinema - Art, Technology, Communication. Avanca, 25 Jul.

2014. “Comunidades do Cinema” [“Cinema Communities”]. IV AIM Annual Meeting. University of Beira Interior, 15 May.

2014. “Frei Betto em Cuba” [“Frei Betto in Cuba”]. “The Dominicans in the Luso-Hispanic World” International Conference. Geographical Society of Lisbon, 24 Jul.

2013. “Darkened Spaces: The Urban and the Domestic in American Film Noir”. Inter[sections]: A Conference on Architecture, City and Cinema. University of Porto, 13 Sept.

2013. “Movimentos do Ver e do Escutar: Uma Hipótese Marxista na Estética do Cinema” [“Movements of Seeing and Listening: A Marxist Hypothesis in Film Aesthetics”]. II Karl Marx International Congress. Nova University of Lisbon, 26 Oct.

2013. “The Terror of Control: Surveillance and Imperialism in Homeland”. Images of Terror, Narratives of (In)security: Literary, Artistic and Cultural Responses. University of Lisbon, 24 Apr.

2013. “Vídeos Musicais e Figuras Abstractas” [“Music Videos and Abstract Figures”]. III AIM Annual Meeting. University of Coimbra, 11 May.

2012. “‘Estejamos Atentos!’: Notas sobre o Cinematógrafo como Reflexões Espirituais” [“‘Be Attentive!’: Notes on the Cinematographer as Spiritual Reflections”]. II AIM Annual Meeting. Catholic University of Portugal, Lisbon, 10 May.

2012. “Permanecer no Amor: A Arte e Teologia de Des hommes et des dieux” [“Remaining in Love: The Art and Theology of Des hommes et des dieux”]. Mosteiros Cistercienses: Passado, Presente, Futuro [Cistercian Monasteries: Past, Present, Future]. Alcobaça, 15 Jun.

2012. “Screened Signs of Grace: André Bazin’s ‘Cinema and Theology’ and the Sacramental Facet of Film.” Spirituality in the 21st Century: At the Interface of Theory, Praxis and Pedagogy. Prague, 23 Mar.

2011. “A Cinema Inhabited by the Angel of History: On Rossellini’s Paisan”. (Post-)Conflict Cinema: Remembering Out-breaks and In-tensions. Catholic University of Portugal, Lisbon, 6 Dec.

2011. “Music Videos and Non-Musical Sounds.” Music and the Moving Image VI. New York University, 22 May.

2011. “Pensar o Cinema Através dos Filmes: A Filosofia do Cinema de Stanley Cavell” [“Thinking Film Through Movies: Stanley Cavell’s Film Philosophy”]. I AIM Annual Meeting. University of Algarve, 6 May.

2010. “On Essentialism: Thoughts Between Nöel Carroll and Stanley Cavell.” Film-Philosophy III. University of Warwick, 16 Jul.

2009. “Super Style: Heroes and Television Aesthetics.” The Politics of Super-Heroes: Renegotiating the Super-Hero in Post-9/11 Cinema. Yale University, 31 Jan.

2009. “Televisual Works.” Screen Studies Conference 2009. University of Glasgow, 4 Jul.

2008. “Borrowed Sounds, Appropriated Images: Music Videos and Found Footage.” Cultural Borrowings: A Study Day on Appropriation, Reworking and Transformation. University of Nottingham, 19 Mar.

2008. “Laughing in Friendship: The Intimate Ensemble Comedy of Friends.” Playing for Laughs: On Comedy in Performance. De Montfort University, 9 Feb.

2007. “Being Her/She in ‘Who Are You?’.” It’s the End of the World. Again?!?: Why Buffy Still Matters. University of North Carolina at Greensboro, 16 Mar.

2007. “Labyrinths of the Self: Different Characters, Identical Bodies in Battlestar Galactica.” BSG 2007: The Politics, Poetics and Philosophy of “Battlestar Galactica.” Bucks New University, 28 Jul.

Invited Papers

2024. “48: Guardar a Memória Depois da Revolução” [“48: Keeping Memory After the Revolution”]. Colóquio “O 25 de Abril e a Perspectiva Cultural Europeia: História e Literatura na Relação com Outras Artes” [“The 25th of April and the European Cultural Perspective: History and Literature in Relationship with Other Arts” Colloquium]. Nova University of Lisbon, 4 Jun.

2024. “Revisitar A Greve (Stachka, 1925)” [“Revisiting Strike (Stachka, 1925)”]. De “Greve” a “Ivan, o Terrível”: Sergei Eisenstein em Perspectiva [From “Strike” to “Ivan the Terrible”: Sergei Eisenstein in Perspective]. University of Lisbon, 6 Mar.

2024. “Voz e Montagem na Evocação da Violência Política em 48 (2009)” [“Voice and Editing in the Evocation of Political Violence in 48 (2009)”]. Do “…dia inicial, inteiro e limpo”: 25 Abril, 50 Anos Depois | Programa Multidisciplinar [From the “…initial, whole and clean day”: April 25, 50 Years Later | Multidisciplinary Program]. University of Porto, 22 Apr.

2023. “Ecoteologia e Diálogo Inter-Religioso” [“Ecotheology and Interreligious Dialogue”]. II CITER International and Interdisciplinary Symposium. Catholic University of Portugal. Online, 25 Jan.

2023. “Multifaith Cinema and Interreligious Dialogue.” Film Criticism Forum. Jeddah, 29 Mar.

2022. “Beat Film: Jack Kerouac’s Writing and Reading for the Screen in Pull My Daisy (1959).” Kerouac 100. University of Coimbra, 28 Oct.

2022. “Um Espectro pela Europa: Transe (2006) de Teresa Villaverde” [“A Specter Across Europe: Teresa Villaverde’s Transe (2006)”]. Cinema Português: Uma História de Fantasmas [Portuguese Cinema: A History of Ghosts]. Nova University of Lisbon, 30 Nov.

2022. “Fé Persuadida: Uma Leitura Teológica de Lourdes (2009)” [“Persuaded Faith: A Theological Reading of Lourdes (2009)”]. ReliMM - A Religião Nas Múltiplas Modernidades, 7.º Colóquio Anual [ReliMM - Religion in the Multiple Modernities, 7th Annual Meeting]. University of Porto, 30 Jun.

2022. “Ler o Mundo, Proclamar o Evangelho: E Agora? Lembra-me (2013) e O Novo Testamento de Jesu Christo Segundo João (2013) como Díptico” [“Reading the World, Proclaiming the Gospel: What Now? Remind Me (2013) and The New Testament of Jesus Christ According to John (2013) as Diptych”]. A Transcendência do Ecrã #2 [The Transcendence of the Screen #2]. University of Coimbra and Catholic University of Portugal. Online, 31 Mar.

2022. “A Separação das Mulheres: Divórcio e Religião no Judaísmo e no Islão em Dois Filmes” [“The Separation of Women: Divorce and Religion in Judaism and Islam in Two Films”]. Género e Religiões: Perspectivas, Práticas, Teorias e Expressões entre o Religioso e a Religiosidade [Gender and Religions: Perspectives, Practices, Theories and Expressions Between the Religious and Religiosity]. Museum of Aljube - Resistance and Freedom, Lisbon, 7 Mar.

2022. “The Table of Division: Class and Christianity in The Last Supper (1976).” XXV Annual Conference of the Centre for Research on Cuba - Cuba Research Forum. University of Nottingham. Online, 7 Sept.

2022. “A Transcendência do Ecrã: Ramificações de um Projecto” [“The Transcendence of the Screen: Ramifications of a Project”]. Momento CEIS20. University of Coimbra, 8 Jul.

2021. “Um Adeus Português: Entre o Poema e o Filme” [“A Portuguese Goodbye: Between the Poem and the Film”]. Colóquio João Botelho “Filmo um texto como se fosse um rosto” [João Botelho Colloquium “I film a text as if it were a face”]. Nova University of Lisbon, 23 Sept.

2021. “The Challenge of Fellowship: An Ecotheological Reading of Of Gods and Men (2010)”. I International and Interdisciplinary Symposium on Theology and Religious Studies. Catholic University of Portugal. Online, 5 Jul.

2021. “Comunistas e Católicos: A Opção do PCP no Contexto Internacional” [“Communists and Catholics: The Option of the PCP in the International Context”]. 1921-2021: Nos 100 Anos do PCP — Imaginários Políticos e Expressões Culturais [1921-2021: In the 100 Years of the PCP — Political Imaginaries and Cultural Expressions]. University of Coimbra, 6 Dec.

2021. “A Mão Estendida aos Católicos: O Passado e o Presente de uma Política do PCP” [“The Outstretched Hand to Catholics: The Past and Present of a PCP Policy”]. Cem Anos de Partido Comunista Português [One Hundred Years of Portuguese Communist Party]. Alcântara Library, Lisbon, 6 Nov.

2021. “O Mundo de Maria: Reflexões entre Jean-Luc Godard e Stanley Cavell” [“Mary’s World: Reflections Between Jean-Luc Godard and Stanley Cavell”]. Semana de la Imagen UFV (SIMUFV) 2021. Francisco de Vitoria University with the University of Coimbra. Online, 4 Mar.

2021. “Revolução, Política, Representação: Filmar no Período Revolucionário” [“Revolution, Politics, Representation: Filming in the Revolutionary Period”]. Colaboração e Colisão: Intervenção Pública e Política da Arte [Collaboration and Collision: Public Intervention and Art Politics]. Nova University of Lisbon. Online, 30 Mar.

2021. “Urdidura e Lavores: Refazer Uma Abelha na Chuva” [“Warp and Needlework: Remaking A Bee in the Rain”]. Carlos de Oliveira, Uma Escrita Tatuada [Carlos de Oliveira, A Tattooed Writing]. Cantanhede Municipal Library, 20 Nov.

2021. “Valuing Films: Reflections on the Practice of Film Criticism”. From Analogue to Digital: Film Criticism in Spain, Portugal and Latin America. University of Leeds and University of Kent. Online, 9 Apr.

2020. “Common Home’s Epistemology.” Common Home and New Ways of Living Interculturally. Catholic University of Portugal. Online, 10 Nov.

2019. “Uma Ausência Tornada Presente: Gestos & Fragmentos (1982)” [“An Absence Made Present: Gestures & Fragments (1982)”]. II Encontro Internacional de História Oral do Cinema Português — O Cinema Novo Português e os “Anos Gulbenkian”: 50 anos da Criação do Centro Português de Cinema 1969-2019 [II International Meeting of Oral History of Portuguese Cinema — Portuguese Cinema Novo and the “Gulbenkian Years”: 50 Years of the Creation of the Portuguese Cinema Centre 1969-2019]. Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, Lisbon, 19 Nov.

2019. “Linguagem para um Corpo Silencioso: Uma Leitura de Moonlight (2016) no Campo da Teologia Queer” [“Language for a Silent Body: A Reading of Moonlight (2016) in the Field of Queer Theology”]. Ciclo “Questões de Género” [“Gender Issues” Programme]. Biblioteca Palácio Galveias, Lisbon, 18 Dec.

2018. “The Class of Images: Sketch for a Research Project.” Politics and Image. University of Coimbra, 16 Nov.

2018. “Contrastes Demarcados: Realidades Rurais e Urbanas no Cinema Português da Década de 1990” [“Demarcated Contrasts: Rural and Urban Realities in 1990s Portuguese Cinema”]. Colóquio Internacional “China e Portugal nas Eras Moderna e Contemporânea: Convergências e Divergências” [International Colloquium “China and Portugal in Modern and Contemporary Ages: Convergences and Divergences”]. University of Coimbra, 10 May.

2018. “Uma Mulher Sefardita Face à Lei Judaica: Comentários sobre Gett: O Processo de Viviane Amsalem (2014)” [“A Sephardic Woman Facing Jewish Law: Comments on Gett (2014)”]. Do Discurso e da Cultura na Diáspora Sefardita Portuguesa [Of the Discourse and Culture in the Portuguese Sephardic Diaspora]. House of Writing, Coimbra, 5 Nov.

2018. “As Narrativas que Faltam: O Maio de 68 e o Cinema Crítico” [“The Missing Narratives: May 68 and Critical Cinema”]. International Symposium on Cinema and Philosophy: Critical May 68. Nova University of Lisbon, 30 May.

2018. “A Presença do Futuro: Marxismo e Cristianismo, Luta de Classes e Fraternidade Humana no Pensamento do Dominicano Herbert McCabe” [“The Presence of the Future: Marxism and Christianity, Class Struggle and Human Fraternity in the Thought of Dominican Herbert McCabe”]. III International Congress “Marx in May”: In the Bicentenary of Karl Marx’s Birth. University of Lisbon, 3 May.

2017. “Um Cinema em Revolução: A Revolução de Outubro e a Vanguarda Cinematográfica” [“A Cinema in Revolution: The October Revolution and the Cinematic Avant-Garde”]. Revolução Russa: Historiografia, Política, Cultura e Actualidade [A Cinema in Revolution: The October Revolution and the Cinematic Avant-Garde]. Higher Institute for Labour and Business Sciences - University Institute of Lisbon, 6 Dec.

2017. “O Comum da Diferença: Sobre os Vídeos Musicais de António Variações” [“The Common of Difference: On António Variações’s Music Videos”]. Variações sobre António: Um Colóquio em Torno de António Variações [Variations on António: A Colloquium Around António Variações]. University of Coimbra, 7 Dec.

2017. “A Mais Importante das Artes: A Revolução de Outubro e a Produção Cinematográfica” [“The Most Important of Arts: The October Revolution and Film Production”]. O Ano de 1917 [The Year of 1917]. University of Coimbra, 18 Oct.

2016. “Ars Gratia Artis?: O Lúdico e o Lúcido no Cinema” [“Ars Gratia Artis?: The Ludic and Lucid in Film”]. XIX Jornadas Históricas: Homo Sapiens, Homo Ludens [XIX Historic Meetings: Homo Sapiens, Homo Ludens]. Seia, 11 Nov.

2016. “O Ecrã-Mosaico” [“The Mosaic-Screen”]. Jornadas de Maio: Imagens da Imagem [May Meetings: Images of the Image]. University of Coimbra, 1 Jun.

2016. “O Rosto da Técnica: Walter Benjamin e a Arte Fotográfica” [“The Face of Technique: Walter Benjamin and Photographic Art”]. VII Jornadas de Filosofia: A Filosofia e as Artes [VII Philosophy Meetings: Philosophy and the Arts]. Minho University, Braga, 29 Apr.

2015. “Nem Luz Pura, Nem Sombra: Nostalgia de la luz como Documentário Poético Politizado” [“Neither Pure Light, Nor Shadow: Nostalgia de la luz as Politicised Poetic Documentary”]. Interdisciplinary Colloquium “Visions of Light.” University of Coimbra, 3 Oct.

2015. “Visualizar a Inferência: Motivos de Imagem nos Policiais Processuais da CBS” [“Visualising Inference: Image Motifs in CBS Police Procedurals”]. 2nd Conference “Television and New Media.” University of Beira Interior, 17 Nov.

2014. “A Arte como Trabalho ou O Trabalho como Arte” [“Art as Labour or the Labour of Art”]. II International Congress “Marx in May.” University of Lisbon, 9 May.

2014. “As Imagens Ressonantes: A Escrita Fílmica de Marguerite Duras” [“The Resonant Images: Marguerite Duras’s Film Writing”]. “The Fusion of Arts in Cinema” Symposium. University of Coimbra, 21 Nov.

2012. “As Exigências do Evangelho: Gustavo Gutiérrez e a Dimensão Política da Teologia” [“The Demands of the Gospel: Gustavo Gutiérrez and the Political Dimension of Theology”]. Religião: Diálogo, Política, Preconceito [Religion: Dialogue, Politics, Prejudice]. University of Coimbra, 14 Dec.

2011. “Prescrições e Descobertas: A Especificidade do Meio Cinemático Segundo Berys Gaut” [“Prescriptions and Discoveries: The Specificity of the Cinematic Medium According to Berys Gaut”]. XIII Autumn Colloquium. Minho University, Braga, 17 Nov.

2010. “Entre a Desordem: Balagan como Mapa Intersticial de Identidades e Histórias” [“In Between Disorder: Balagan as Interstitial Map of Identities e Histories”]. 1st Spring Colloquium: Literature, Space, Cartographies. University of Coimbra, 7 May.


2025. “Cinema e Diálogo Inter-Religioso” [“Cinema and Inter-Religious Dialogue”]. Horizon Line: Meetings Between Religious Communities Around Cinema. University of Coimbra Campus at Figueira da Foz, 11 Jan.

2025. “O Cinema no Contexto da Revolução Democrática” [“Cinema in the Context of the Democratic Revolution”]. Seminar on Citizenship, Democracy and Reformism. Catholic University of Portugal, Lisbon, 16 Jan.

2024. “E Agora? Lembra-me (What Now? Remind Me, 2013): Gender, Sexuality, Religion.” Today’s Portugal: Crossroads of Identities Seen Through Cinema – Open Classes. University of Geneva, 9 Dec.

2024. “O Alargamento a Leste: Novas Identidades e Expressões Artísticas” [“The Enlargement to the East: New Identities and Artistic Expressions”]. Webinar EnlargEU: Pensar o Passado, Perspetivas o Futuro [EnlargEU Webinar: Thinking about the Past, Perspectives for the Future]. University of Coimbra. Online, 21 Mar.

2024. “The Revolution in Motion: Filming in the Revolutionary Period.” Conferences and Projections Programme: The Portuguese Revolution in Images. University of Geneva, 18 Mar.

2023. With Aleksandra Djurić Milovanović. “The Contribution of Interreligious Dialogue to Narratives on Migration.” COREnet Ph.D.Summer School “Religious and Non-Religious Narratives on Migration”. University of Viena, 14 Jul.

2022. “Saramago e o Cinema” [“Saramago and Film”]. National Plan for Film: ACD. Online, 14 Nov.

2021. “Imagens Digitadas” [“Digitated Images”]. Thinking Out Lab. University of Coimbra, 19 Nov.

2019. “Digitações: Cinema Digital e Materialidade” [“Digitations: Digital Cinema and Materiality”]. University of Brasilia, 18 Jun.

2019. “Digitar o Digital” [“Digitating the Digital”]. “On Cinema” Spring Seminar. Catholic University of Portugal, Porto, 23 May.

2019. “Os Lugares da Esperança” [“The Places of Hope”]. Permanent Seminar - Research Group on Cinema & Philosophy. Nova University of Lisbon, 10 Apr.

2019. “Digitações: Cinema Digital e Materialidade” [“Digitations: Digital Cinema and Materiality”]. University of Brasilia, 18 Jun.

2018. “‘A Cultura É Política’: O Cinema de Ousmane Sembène na África Pós-Colonial”[“‘Culture Is Political’: Ousmane Sembène’s Cinema in Postcolonial Africa”]. Seminário Permanente: “Cinema e Pós-Colonialismo” [Permanent Seminar:“Cinema and Postcolonialism”]. University of Coimbra, 7 Nov.

2018. “Mulheres Especulares: Género e Desdobramento no Neo-Noir de Brian De Palma” [“Specular Women: Gender and Unfolding in Brian De Palma’s Neo-Noir”]. Seminário RIAL: “Espelhos do Film Noir” [RIAL Seminar: “Mirrors of Film Noir”]. University of Lisbon, 17 Oct.

2018. “Spectres of Today: Fractured History and Digital Modulation in Horse Money (2014)”. (Post)Colonial Images: An Intermedial Approach. University of Reading, 21 Jun.

2017. “O Assombro da Imagem” [“The Haunting of Image”]. Film and Philosophy: Contemporary Approaches. Nova University of Lisbon, 25 Oct. 2017.

2017. “O Mundo Digital” [“The Digital World”]. National Plan for Film. Avelar Brotero Secondary School, Coimbra, 27 Jan.

2017. “Pensar Politicamente, Religiosamente, Cinematograficamente” [“Thinking Politically, Religiously, Cinematically”]. Permanent Seminar - Research Group on Cinema & Philosophy, “Inter‐sessions / Intercessions / Interceptions.” Nova University of Lisbon, 30 Oct.

2017. With the film criticism group “The Magnifying Class”. About the film Like Someone in Love (2012). The Magnifying Class #16. University of Oxford, 14 Sept.

2016. “Observing the Unobserved: Thinking Through Sensory Cinema with Walter Benjamin.” Forum of the Real: On Sensory Cinema. Rivoli Theatre, Porto, 2 Dec.

2016. “Os Sons Não-Musicais dos Telediscos” [“The Non-Musical Sounds of Video Clips”]. Festival Guimarães Cinema Som. José de Guimarães International Art Centre - Platform of Arts and Creativity, 12 Oct.

2015. “Um Mundo Completo Sem Nós, Presente para Nós: Stanley Cavell e o Pensamento Materialista do Cinema” [“A World Complete Without Us, Present to Us: Stanley Cavell and Materialist Thought on Film”]. MA in Cinema. University of Beira Interior, 16 Apr.

2015. “A Noite da Imagem: Migração e Distracção no Cinema de David Lynch” [“The Night of Image: Migration and Distraction in David Lynch’s Cinema”]. Anozero: Coimbra Contemporary Art Biennial. Sereia Circle - Municipal House of Culture, 28 Nov.

2014. “Fotografar, Filmar, Escrever” [“Photographing. Filming, Writing”]. Al Berto: O Último Habitante [Al Berto: The Last Inhabitant]. Casa da Esquina, 21 Mar.

2014. “From Us to Us: Um Adeus Português in 1980’s Portugal.” Memories of Change: Cinema and Culture in Portugal After the Carnation Revolution. University College London, 8 Dec.

2014. “Imagens Digitadas: Produção e Estética do Cinema Digital” [“Digited Images: Production and Aesthetics in Digital Cinema”]. Neurological Landscapes 2. University of Coimbra, 2 May.

2014. “A Memória Resistente da Guerra no Cinema Vietnamita” [“The Resistant Memory of War in Vietnamese Cinema”]. DHEEAA Permanent Seminar. University of Coimbra, 1 Apr.

2014. With the film criticism group “The Magnifying Class.” About the film On Dangerous Ground (1951). The Magnifying Class #14. University of Oxford, 24 May. 2013. “The Cinematic.” Nova University of Lisbon, 16 Jan.

2013. “Espaço, Tempo, e Gesto na Comédia de Situação Americana Clássica” [“Space, Time, and Gesture in the Classical American Sitcom”]. PhD in American Studies. University of Coimbra, 1 Nov.

2013. With the film criticism group “The Magnifying Class.” About the film The Man Without a Past (Mies vailla menneisyyttä, 2002). The Magnifying Class #11. University of Oxford, 15 Mar.

2012. “Alta (In)definição: Entre Nós e as Imagens Digitais” [“High (In)definition: Between Us and Digital Images”]. Summer University. University of Coimbra, 27 Jul.

2012. “A Cidade das Imagens” [“The City of Images”]. Workshop: CutCity 2012. Lusophone University, 27 Feb.

2012. “‘What Is Cinema?’ by Noël Carroll.” Nova University of Lisbon, 17 Jul.

2012. With the film criticism group “The Magnifying Class”. About the film The Story of the Last Chrysanthemum (Zangiku monogatari, 1939). The Magnifying Class #10. University of Oxford, 5 Oct.

2011. With the film criticism group “The Magnifying Class.” About the film Ordet (1955). The Magnifying Class #8. University of Oxford, 10 Feb.

2010. “The Virtual Life of Film.” Seminários em Volta de D. N. Rodowick [Seminaries Around D. N. Rodowick]. Nova University of Lisbon, 27 Apr.

2010. With the film criticism group “The Magnifying Class.” About the film Still Life (Sanxia haoren, 2006). The Magnifying Class #7. University of Oxford, 5 Mar.

2009. “Compreensões do Cinema: Funções da Linguagem Analítica e Crítica” [“Comprehensions of Film: Functions of Analytic and Critical Language”]. Nova University of Lisbon, 20 May. Minho University, 21 May.

2009. “Each Voice: Internal Variation in Grey’s Anatomy.”. Graduate Student Presentations. University of Kent, 27 May.

2009. With the film criticism group “The Magnifying Class.” About the film Trafic (1971). The Magnifying Class #6. University of Oxford, 3 Dec.

2009. With the film criticism group “The Magnifying Class.” About the film Elephant (2003). The Magnifying Class #5. University of Oxford, 18 Jun.

2009. With the film criticism group “The Magnifying Class.” About the film The Little Foxes (1941). The Magnifying Class #4. University of Oxford, 12 Mar.

2008. “Cowboys no Espaço: Convergências de Género em Firefly e Serenity” [“Cowboys in Space: Genre Convergences in Firefly and Serenity”]. Fantastic Forum 2008. University of Lisbon, 4 Oct.

2008. “Visualising Inference: Image and Sound Motifs in CBS Police Procedurals”. Graduate Student Presentations. University of Kent, 21 May.

2008. With the film criticism group “The Magnifying Class”. About the film Charulata (1964). The Magnifying Class #3. University of Oxford, 5 Dec.

2005. “Imagens Sequências: A Partir do Conceito de Storyboard” [“Images Sequences: From the Concept of Storyboard”]. Lusophone University, Lisbon, 11 Dec.

2003. “Narração do Espaço, Espaço da Narrativa” [“Narration of Space, Space of the Narrative”]. Manuel Teixeira Gomes Higher Institute, 12 Nov.

Commentaries and Discussions

2024. Chair, with Susana de Sousa Dias, Raquel Schefer, and Clemente Alves. “Cinema, Resistência e Liberdade” [“Cinema, Resistance and Freedom”]. National Plan for Film: ACD. Online, 7 Mar.

2024. About the film We Are on Air (Estamos no Ar, 2024). Arts and Performance Centre, Figueira da Foz, 2 Dec.

2024. About the film Trás-os-Montes (1976). CineEco - Serra da Estrela International Environment Film Festival. Seia, 13 Oct.

2024. About the film Passagem ou a Meio Caminho (1980). “Manoel de Oliveira and Portuguese Cinema 2.” Cinema House Manoel de Oliveira, Serralves Museum, Porto, 14 Sept.

2024. About the film Gaza mon amour (2020). “Mostra de Cinema Asiático” [“Asian Film Film Programme”]. Casa do Cinema de Coimbra, 19 Jul.

2024. With António Matos Ferreira, Carlos Cunha, Heloísa Apolónia, and Nicolas Fernandez, chaired by Edgar Silva. “O Futuro Pertence à Democracia” [“The Future Belongs to Democracy”]. Postdoc-Fellowship Program in Integral Human Development. Catholic University of Portugal, Lisbon, 4 Dec.

2024. With Susana de Sousa Dias. About the film 48 (2009). Tertúlias - Popular University of Coimbra. University of Coimbra, 17 May.

2023. About the film Catembe (1965). “Aprovado com Cortes” [“Approved with Cuts”]. Casa do Cinema de Coimbra, 29 Nov.

2023. About the film Hangmen Also Die! (1943). “Brecht no Cinema” [“Brecht in Cinema”]. OMT, Coimbra, 7 Nov.

2023. About the film In Front of Your Face (Dangsin-eolgul-apeseo, 2021). “Mostra de Cinema Asiático” [“Asian Film Film Programme”]. Casa do Cinema de Coimbra, 19 Jul. 2023.

2023. About the film The Murmuring Coast (A Costa dos Murmúrios, 2004), in celebration of International Women’s Day. Arts and Performance Centre, Figueira da Foz, 8 Mar.

2023. About the film Sorry We Missed You (2019). “Semana Marxista” [“Marxist Week”]. University of Aveiro, 8 Nov.

2023. About the films Sicilia! (1998), Il viandante (2001), and L’Arrotino (2001). “Straub-Huillet Retrospective.” Cinema House Manoel de Oliveira, Serralves Museum, Porto, 12 Nov.

2023. About the films Trails (Veredas, 1977) and Silvestre (1981). “Mostra de Cinema Português de Tema Medieval” [“Portuguese Medieval Film Programme”]. Casa do Cinema de Coimbra, 18 May.

2023. With Carlos Costa, Cristina Janicas, João Maria André, and Mário Montenegro, chaired by Arianna Angioli. “Estudo, Prática e Trabalho Artísticos: Que Direções?” [“Study, Practice and Artistic Work: Which Directions?”]. Peça-Palavra Festival. Teatro-Estúdio Bonifrates, Municipal House of Culture, Coimbra, 22 Abr.

2023. With João Dias, David Caetano, and Isaura Reis, chaired by Bruno Ramos. About the film Senhora da Serra (2023). A Moagem- City of Ingenuity and Arts, Fundão, 12 Aug.

2023. With João Miranda, chaired by Inês Carvalho. “Aparelho Ideológico do Capitalismo: Arte, Cultura e Media” [“Ideological Apparatus of Capitalism: Art, Culture and Media”]. Espaço 25 - PCP Labor Centre in Coimbra, 17 May.

2023. With Manuel Pires da Rocha, chaired by Ana Valente. Fábrica, magazine of the Intellectual Sector of Coimbra of the Portuguese Communist Party. Casa da Escrita, Coimbra, 6 May.

2023. With Maria do Rosário Lupi Bello, Simão Lucas Pires, Manuel Fúria, and Victor Gonçalves, chaired by Luís Mendonça. About the film The Children Are Watching Us (I bambini ci guardano, 1943). “O Cinema Segundo Francisco” [“Film According to Francis” ]. Portuguese Cinemateque - Cinema Museum, 28 Jul.

2023. With Nelson Araújo, Anabela Branco de Oliveira, and André Rui Graça. About the book Os 100 Melhores Planos do Cinema: 100 Autores, 100 Planos [The 100 Best Film Shots: 100 Authors, 100 Shots], org. Araújo. Almedina Bookshop - Stadium, Coimbra, 8 Nov.

2022. About the film Accattone (1961). “Close-up - Observatório de Cinema.” Casa das Artes de Vila Nova de Famalicão, 16 Oct.

2022. About the film The Biggest Flower in the World (A Flor máis grande do mundo, 2007). “Ciclo Saramago” [“Saramago Film Programme”]. Casa do Cinema de Coimbra, 15 Oct.

2022. About the film Enemy (2013). “Centenário de José Saramago: Escritor Universal, Intelectual de Abril, Militante Comunista” [“José Saramago’s Centenary: Universal Writer, April Intellectual, Communist Militant”]. Auditório IPDJ, Viseu, 30 Apr.

2022. About the film José and Pilar (José e Pilar, 2010). “Ciclo Saramago” [“Saramago Film Programme”]. Casa do Cinema de Coimbra, 15 Oct.

2022. About the film The Stone Raft (La balsa de piedra, 2002). “Ciclo Saramago” [“Saramago Film Programme”]. Casa do Cinema de Coimbra, 8 Oct.

2022. With André Guiomar. About the film A Nossa Terra, O Nosso Altar (2020). Casa do Cinema de Coimbra, 29 Jun.

2022. With António Ferreira and Cláudia Carvalho. About the film Embargo (2010). “Ciclo Saramago” [“Saramago Film Programme”]. Casa do Cinema de Coimbra, 1 Oct.

2022. With Edgar Silva, chaired by Manuela Pinto. “O PCP, os Católicos e a Igreja” [“The PCP, Catholics and the Church”]. Justice and Peace University Institute, Coimbra, 24 Feb.

2022. With Inês Carvalho. About the film Enemy (2013). “Ciclo Saramago” [“Saramago Film Programme”]. Casa do Cinema de Coimbra, 24 Sept.

2022. With Joaquim Oliveira Martins, chaired by André Alves. About the film Ballad of a White Cow (Ghasideyeh gave sefid, 2020). “Cinema e Direito” [“Cinema and Law”]. Casa do Cinema de Coimbra, 24 Nov.

2022. With Miguel Gonçalves Mendes. About José Saramago and film. National Plan for Film: ACD. Online, 14 Nov. 2022.

2022. With other higher education European trade unionists, chair by Xavier Giner. “Organización y funcionamiento de las Enseñanzas Artísticas Superiores en la UE: Algunos ejemplos” [“Organization and Operation of Higher Art Education in the EU: Some Examples”]. Jornadas de enseñanzas artísticas superiores [Higher Artistic Education Meetings]. Valencia. Online, 1 Oct.

2021. About the film Five Days, Five Nights (Cinco Dias, Cinco Noites, 1997). Vila Real Municipal Theatre, 15 Jun.

2021. About the film The Metamorphosis of Birds (A Metamorfose dos Pássaros, 2020). Arts and Performance Centre, Figueira da Foz, 5 Nov.

2021. About the film A Pleasure, Comrades! (Prazer, Camaradas!, 2019). Arts and Performance Centre, Figueira da Foz, 11 Jun.

2021. With Abílio Hernandez, André Rui Graça, and Nelson Araújo. História do Cinema: Dos Primórdios ao Cinema Contemporâneo, ed. Araújo. Almedina Bookshop - Stadium, Coimbra, 13 Nov.

2021. With António Sousa Ribeiro. About the film Schindler’s List (1993). “Flor de Lótus.” General Library of the University of Coimbra, 15 Oct.

2021. With Beatriz Goulart Pinheiro and Diogo Barbosa, chaired by Simão Correia Bento. “Debate Online sobre O Túmulo dos Pirilampos” [“Online Debate on Grave of the Fireflies”]. Online, 26 Feb.

2021. With Catarina Vasconcelos. On the film The Metamorphosis of Birds (A Metamorfose dos Pássaros, 2020). Academic Theatre of Gil Vicente - University of Coimbra, 18 Oct.

2021. With Rogério de Brito, chaired by João Pinto Ângelo. Debate about the film Rage (Raiva, 2017). Online, 18 Apr.

2020. With Jorge Sarabando, Valdemar Cruz, Jorge Seabra, and Jerónimo de Sousa, chaired by Mafalda Guerreiro. “Mário Sacramento: Sessão Comemorativa do Centenário” [“Mário Sacramento: Commemorative Session of the Centenary”]. Maritime Museum of Ílhavo, 4 Jul.

2020. With Soraia Simões. About the film A Guitarra de Coimbra (2017). Academic Theatre of Gil Vicente - University of Coimbra, 8 Jan.

2019. About the film Milk (2008). “Equality Week.” Arts and Performance Centre, Figueira da Foz, 24 Oct.

2019. About the film Where Do We Go Now? (Et maintenant on va où?, 2011), in celebration of International Women’s Day. Arts and Performance Centre, Figueira da Foz, 7 Mar.

2019. About the films Boca de Fogo (2017), Abissal (2016), and O Futebol (2015). Sessões do Carvão — O Cinema Falado [Coal Sessions — Talking Cinema], “A Autoria no Cinema: Mostra de Cinema Documental Brasileiro” [“Authorship in Film: Brazilian Documentary Film Screening”]. Academic Theatre of Gil Vicente - University of Coimbra, 30 Oct.

2019. About the films Rafa (2012) and The Suspect (A Suspeita, 1999). National Plan for Film. Cinema theatres at Alma Shopping, Coimbra, 22 May 2019.

2019. About the films A Trip to the Moon (Le Voyage dans la lune, 1902) and The Cameraman (1928). “4.ª Feira Clássica” [“Classic Wednesday”]. Cantanhede Parish Centre, 6 Mar.

2019. Portfolio reading. Afroeuropeans Artist Residency. University Coimbra, 26 Jun.

2019. Presentation in the panel “Artes da Imagem” [“Image Arts”]. Praticar e Pesquisar: Um Encontro Sobre as Artes na Universidade [Practicing and Researching: A Meeting on the Arts at the University]. Municipal Theater Workshop, Coimbra, 6 Dec.

2019. With Margarida Antunes and Rachel Cesar, chaired by Arissa Ayumi. “Por Dentro de Joker: Análise do Filme Joker em Aspectos Sociológicos, Psicológicos e Culturais Dentro dos Direitos Humanos” [“Inside Joker: Analysis of the film Joker on Sociological, Psychological, and Cultural Aspects Within Human Rights”]. University of Coimbra, 27 Nov.

2019. With Guiomar Ramos. About the film Por Parte de Pai (2018). University of Coimbra, 16 Jan. 2019.

2019. With João Maia. MasterSessions: “O Meu Cinema” [MasterSessions: “My Cinema”]. Caminhos do Cinema Português. Boiler Room - University of Coimbra, 28 Nov.

2019. With Jorge Palinhos. Aniki: Portuguese Journal of the Moving Image 6, no. 1. Aqui Base Tango, Coimbra, 11 Apr.

2019. With José Maçãs de Carvalho. Abílio Hernandez Cardoso’s Dar a Ver o que nos Cega. Almedina Bookshop - Stadium, Coimbra, 17 May.

2019. With José Neves and Mariana Liz. Aniki: Portuguese Journal of the Moving Image 6, no. 1. Portuguese Cinemateque - Cinema Museum, 8 Feb.

2019. With Marco António Rodrigues. About the “Argentine Cinema Film Programme.” OMT, Coimbra, 7 May.

2019. With Paulo Carneiro. MasterSessions: “O Meu Cinema” [MasterSessions: “My Cinema”]. Caminhos do Cinema Português. Boiler Room - University of Coimbra, 29 Nov.

2019. With Tiago Afonso. MasterSessions: “O Meu Cinema” [MasterSessions: “My Cinema”]. Caminhos do Cinema Português. Boiler Room - University of Coimbra, 27 Nov.

2018. About the film Colo (2017). Cinema Ideal, Lisbon, 27 Mar.

2018. About the film Ida (2013). “Conversas à Volta do Cinema” [“Conversations around Cinema”]. Senior University of Curia, 24 Oct.

2018. About the film Wadjda (2012), in celebration of International Women’s Day. Arts and Performance Centre, Figueira da Foz, 14 Mar.

2018. Chair, with Alexandre Oliveira, Ana Isabel Soares, and Fausto Cruchinho. MasterSessions: “Novas Propostas Formais no Cinema Contemporâneo” [MasterSessions: “New Formal Proposals in Contemporary Cinema”]. Boiler Room - University of Coimbra, 28 Nov.

2018. Chair, with Edson Athayde, Jorge Pelicano, and Luís Filipe Menezes. MasterSessions: “O Valor de uma Marca do/no Cinema Português” [MasterSessions: “The Value of a Brand of/in Portuguese Cinema”]. Boiler Room - University of Coimbra, 30 Nov.

2018. Chair, with Filipa Reis, Paulo Cunha, and Saúl Rafael. MasterSessions: “A Representação da Crise no Cinema Português nos Festivais de Cinema Europeus” [MasterSessions: “The Representation of Crisis in Portuguese Cinema in European Film Festivals”]. Boiler Room - University of Coimbra, 26 Nov.

2018. With Alcir Pécora, Bruno Fontes, Catarina Maia, and Osvaldo Manuel Silvestre. “Jornada José Agrippino de Paula.” University of Coimbra, 12 Apr.

2018. With Luciana Fina and José Maçãs de Carvalho. About the film Terceiro Andar (2016). Academic Theatre of Gil Vicente - University of Coimbra, 12 Nov.

2018. With Teresa Villaverde. About the film Colo (2017). Academic Theatre of Gil Vicente - University of Coimbra, 19 Mar.

2017. About the film October (Ten Days that Shook the World) (Oktyabr, 1927). José Saramago Foundation, Lisbon, 13 Nov.

2017. About the film October (Ten Days that Shook the World) (Oktyabr, 1927). Portuguese Communist Party Labor Centre in Tires, Cascais, 4 Nov.

2017. About the film October (Ten Days that Shook the World) (Oktyabr, 1927). Solar dos Kapangas Sorority, Coimbra, 22 Oct.

2017. About the film Suffragette (2015), in celebration of International Women’s Day. Arts and Performance Centre, Figueira da Foz, 8 Mar.

2017. About the film Treblinka (2016). Academic Theatre of Gil Vicente - University of Coimbra, 6 Nov.

2017. About the film Twin Peaks: Fire Walk with Me (1992). “Close-up - Observatório de Cinema.” Art House, Vila Nova de Famalicão, 16 Oct.

2017. With Abílio Hernandez, Carlos Melo Ferreira, and Luís Miguel Oliveira. Cine-Conversas: “Portugal e Itália: Uma História de Afinidades no País do Cinema” [Cine-Talks: “Portugal and Italy: A History of Affinities in the Country of Cinema”]. Festa do Cinema Italiano. São Jorge Cinema, Lisbon, 9 Apr.

2016. About the films Contempt (Le mépris, 1963), Holy Motors (2012), Mulholland Dr. (2001), and The Caiman (Il caimano, 2006). “O Cinema ao Espelho” [“Cinema in the Mirror”]. Esther de Carvalho Theatre, Montemor-o-Velho, 23 Jan., 27 Feb., 25 Mar., and 23 Apr.

2015. About spirituality and cinema. St. Peter’s Church, Cantanhede, 1 Jul.

2015. About the film All That Heaven Allows (1955). “Duetos” [“Duets”]. Coimbra Conservatory of Music, 10 Mar.

2015. About the film At Home Among Strangers, a Stranger Among His Own (Svoy sredi chuzhikh, chuzhoy sredi svoikh, 1974). Film Club of the Russian Studies Centre. University of Coimbra, 23 Oct.

2015. About the film The Night of the Hunter (1955). Anozero: Coimbra Biennial of Contemporary Art. Colégio da Graça, Coimbra, 25 Nov.

2015. About the film Winter Light (Nattvardsgästerna, 1963). “Bergman Inesgotável” [“Bergman Inexhaustible”]. Academic Theatre of Gil Vicente - University of Coimbra, 12 Oct.

2015. About the film The Word (Ordet, 1955). Anozero: Coimbra Biennial of Contemporary Art. Colégio da Graça, Coimbra, 25 Nov.

2015. With Bruno Marques, chaired by Maria Teresa Cruz. “Cycle of Talks ‘The State of Art’: Expanded Field of Images and Art.” Anozero: Coimbra Contemporary Art Biennial. Sereia Circle - Municipal House of Culture, 28 Nov.

2015. With João Fanara, chaired by Roberta Avillez. “A Fotografia em Telemóvel e as Plataformas Online” [“Photography on Cell Phone and Online Platforms”]. Casa da Lusofonia: International Student Lounge - University of Coimbra, 3 Jun.

2015. With Jorge António. Maria do Carmo Piçarra and António’s Angola, o Nascimento de uma Nação – Vol. III – O Cinema da Independência. Academic Theatre of Gil Vicente - University of Coimbra, 13 Nov.

2015. With José Manuel Pinto. About the film The Solitude of Prime Numbers (La solitudine dei numeri primi, 2010). “Olhares sobre a Adolescência” [“Perspectives on Adolescence”]. Cerca de São Bernardo Theatre, 4 Nov.

2015. With Vasco Otero. “John Carpenter.” Cinemusicorium. University of Coimbra Radio, 29 May.

2015. With Vasco Otero. “Palombella rossa (1989)” (2). Cinemusicorium. University of Coimbra Radio, 29 Jan.

2014. About the film Four Times (Le quattro volte, 2010). Sessões do Carvão [Coal Sessions], “Cinema e Espiritualidade” [“Film and Spirituality”]. Boiler House - University of Coimbra, 12 Mar.

2014. With Alfredo João Paula Campos, chaired by Tiago Jerónimo. About the film A Lei da Terra (1971) and Land Reform. Sessões do Carvão [Coal Sessions], “Filmes Revolucionários de Abril” [“April Revolutionary Films”]. Cerca de São Bernardo Theatre, 23 Apr.

2014. Com Henrique Oliveira e Paulo da Rosária. Drama: Revista de Cinema e Teatro 5. Cinema Passos Manuel, Porto, 19 Jul.

2014. With Vasco Otero. “Eyes Wide Shut (1999).” Cinemusicorium. University of Coimbra Radio, 13 Mar.

2014. With Vasco Otero. “Palombella rossa (1989)” (1). Cinemusicorium. University of Coimbra Radio, 6 Nov.

2013. About the film Scenes from the Class Struggle in Portugal (1977). “O Lugar das Coisas Antigas e Esquecidas” [“The Place of Ancient and Forgotten Things”]. Monastery of Santa Clara-a-Velha, Coimbra, 4 Jun.

2013. About the film Workers, Peasants (Operai, contadini, 2002). “O Lugar das Coisas Antigas e Esquecidas” [“The Place of Ancient and Forgotten Things”]. Monastery of Santa Clara-a-Velha, Coimbra, 25 Jun.

2013. With Adelino Fortunato, chaired by Margarida Antunes. About the film Coal Money (L’Argent du charbon, 2008). International Economics open class. University of Coimbra, 13 Nov.

2013. With Adriana Bebiano. About the film Where the Sun Beats (Onde Bate o Sol, 1989). “Memória da Mudança: Cinema Português dos Anos 80” [“Memories of Change: Portuguese Cinema from the 1980s”]. Academic Theatre of Gil Vicente - University of Coimbra, 25 Mar.

2013. With António Sousa Dias. On film and music. Calouste Gulbenkian Aveiro Conservatory of Music, 20 Sept.

2013. With José Trigueiros, chaired by Catarina Maia. About the film Dios por el cuello (2013). 2nd Coimbra in Motions. Cerca de São Bernardo Theatre, 8 Nov.

2013. With Vasco Otero. “O Cinema e a História Económica e Social do Século XX” [“Film and the Economic History of the 20th Century”]. Cinemusicorium. University of Coimbra Radio, 12 Dec.

2013. With Vasco Otero. “Robert Bresson.” Cinemusicorium. University of Coimbra Radio, 8 Jul.

2013. With Vasco Otero. “Vampiros no Cinema” [“Vampires in Film”]. Cinemusicorium. University of Coimbra Radio, 17 Oct.

2012. About the film Duck Soup (1933). Sessões do Carvão [Coal Sessions], “Tresloucadas Comédias Clássicas” [“Screwball Classical Comedies”]. Boiler House - University of Coimbra, 19 Sept.

2012. About the film The Flowers of St. Francis (Francesco, giullare di Dio, 1950). “As Minhas Escolhas” [“My Choices”]. Monastery of Santa Clara-a-Velha, Coimbra, 17 Jan.

2012. About the film Good Night, and Good Luck. (2005). Conferências da Imprensa [Press Conferences]. D. Dinis Cultural Centre, 23 Oct.

2012. With António Sousa Ribeiro and Tiago Santos. About the film Antigone (Die Antigone des Sophokles nach der Hölderlinschen Übertragung für die Bühne bearbeitet von Brecht 1948 (Suhrkamp Verlag), 1992). “Clássicos no Cinema” [“Classics in Film”]. Arte à Parte Room, 21 May.

2012. With João Botelho. About his film Hard Times (Tempos Difíceis, 1988). Páginas Tantas [Many Pages]. Academic Theatre of Gil Vicente - University of Coimbra, 12 Mar.

2012. With José Manuel Pureza. About the film Socialism (Film Socialisme, 2010). Sessões do Carvão [Coal Sessions], “Reflexões Socialistas” [“Socialist Reflections”]. Boiler House - University of Coimbra, 11 Apr.

2012. With Osvaldo Silvestre. About the film The Cow (Gaav, 1969). Sessões do Carvão [Coal Sessions], “Descobrir o Irão” [“Discovering Iran”]. Boiler House - University of Coimbra, 30 May.

2011. With António Costa, Paulo Fonseca, and Vítor Ferreira. “Cinema e Espaço Público” [“Cinema and Public Space”]. Academic Theatre of Gil Vicente - University of Coimbra, 28 Nov.

2011. With Francisco Beja, chaired by Fernando Matos Oliveira. “Espetacular e Real: As Artes Entre a Espada e a Parede” [“Spectacular and Real: The Arts Between a Rock and a Hard Place”]. Boiler House - University of Coimbra, 25 May.

2006. About the film The Silence (Tystnaden, 1963). Fnac Colombo, 15 Feb.

2004. About the film Baraka (1992). Fnac Colombo, 10 Mar.

2004. About the film Far from Heaven (2002). Fnac Colombo, 24 Mar.

2004. About the film The Magdalene Sisters (2002). Fnac Colombo, 25 Feb.

2004. About the film Monty Python’s The Meaning of Life (1983). Fnac Colombo, 13 Sept.

2004. With João Lopes. About the film 11’09’’01: September 11 (2002). Fnac Colombo, 11 Sept.