4. Publications

Edited Journal Issues

2023. Religions, special issue “Religion and the Working Class in Film.” MDPI. https://www.mdpi.com/

2023. With Luísa Neves Soares. Esferas: Revista Interprogramas de Pós-graduação em Comunicação do Centro Oeste 26, “Autoria no Documentário” [“Authorship in Documentary”]. Catholic University of Brasília. https://portalrevistas.ucb.br/index.php/esf/issue/view/705. [EG.UC]

2020. With Amir Khan. Conversations: The Journal of Cavellian Studies 8. University of Ottawa. https://
. [EG.UC]

2019. “The Watching and Criticism of Television Series” dossier. Aniki: Portuguese Journal of the Moving Image 6, no. 1. Association of Moving Image Researchers. http://aim.org.pt/ojs/index.php/revista/
. [EG.UC]

2017. With Amir Khan. Conversations: The Journal of Cavellian Studies 5, “The Aesthetics of Politics and the Politics of Aesthetics in and After Cavell.” University of Ottawa. https://
. [EG.UC]

2017. With Patrícia Silveirinha Castello Branco and Saeed Zeydabadi-Nejad. Cinema: Journal of Philosophy and the Moving Image 9, “Islam and Images.” Nova Institute of Philosophy. http://
. [EG.UC]

2016. With Amir Khan. Conversations: The Journal of Cavellian Studies 4, “Cavell and Literature.” University of Ottawa. https://uottawa.scholarsportal.info/ojs/index.php/conversations/issue/view/257. [EG.UC]

2016. With Michael Wayne. Cinema: Journal of Philosophy and the Moving Image 8, “Marx’s Philosophy.” Nova Institute of Philosophy. http://cjpmi.ifilnova.pt/storage/8/8.pdf. [EG.UC]

2015. With Amir Khan. Conversations: The Journal of Cavellian Studies 3, “Cavell and History.” University of Ottawa. https://uottawa.scholarsportal.info/ojs/index.php/conversations/issue/view/230. [EG.UC]

2013. Cinema: Journal of Philosophy and the Moving Image 4, “Philosophy of Religion.” Nova Institute of Philosophy. http://cjpmi.ifilnova.pt/storage/4/4.pdf. [EG.UC]

2013. With Amir Khan. Conversations: The Journal of Cavellian Studies 1, “Genesis.” University of Ottawa. https://uottawa.scholarsportal.info/ojs/index.php/conversations/issue/view/198. [EG.UC]

2011. With Patrícia Silveirinha Castello Branco and Susana Viegas. Cinema: Journal of Philosophy and the Moving Image 2. Nova Institute of Philosophy. http://cjpmi.ifilnova.pt/storage/2/2.pdf. [EG.UC]

2010. With Patrícia Silveirinha Castello Branco and Susana Viegas. Cinema: Journal of Philosophy and the Moving Image 1. Nova Institute of Philosophy. http://cjpmi.ifilnova.pt/storage/1/1.pdf. [EG.UC]


2024. Cinema e Dialéctica: Uma Gramática Profunda [Cinema and Dialectics: A Profound Grammar]. Lisbon: Página a Página. 216 pp.

2024. As Vozes da Palavra: Escritos de um Leigo Dominicano, Vol. I [The Voices of the Word: Writings of a Dominican Layman, Vol. I]. Lisbon: Edições Vieira da Silva. 286 pp.

2020. Escrita em Movimento: Apontamentos Críticos sobre Filmes [Writing in Motion: Critical Notes on Films]. Lisbon: Documenta. 176 pp.

2020. O Trabalho das Imagens: Estudos sobre Cinema e Marxismo [The Work of Images: Studies on Cinema and Marxism]. Lisbon: Página a Página. 182 pp.

2016. Por Dentro das Imagens: Obras de Cinema, Ideias do Cinema [Within Images: Film Works, Cinema Ideas]. Lisbon: Documenta. 160 pp.


2022. O Homem da Câmara de Filmar / Dziga Vertov [Man with a Movie Camera / Dziga Vertov]. Lisbon: PNC. 24 pp. https://pnc.gov.pt/36-o-homem-da-camara-de-filmar. [EG.UC]

Edited Books

2025. With Rita Benis. Exploring Film and Christianity: Movement as Immobility. London and New York: Routledge. 254 pp.

2019. With Daniel Ribas and Manuela Penafria. Atas do VIII Encontro da AIM [Proceedings of the VIII AIM Annual Meeting]. E-book. Lisbon: Association of Moving Image Researchers. http://aim.org.pt/
. 318 pp. [EG.UC]

2014. With Paulo Cunha. Atas do III Encontro da AIM [Proceedings of the III AIM Annual Meeting]. E-book. Coimbra: Association of Moving Image Researchers. http://aim.org.pt/atas/Atas-IIIEncontroAnualAIM.pdf. 454 pp. [EG.UC]

Chapters in Books

2024. “E Agora? Lembra-me (Joaquim Pinto, 2013) e O Novo Testamento de Jesu Christo Segundo João (Joaquim Pinto e Nuno Leonel, 2013)” [“And Now? Remind Me (Joaquim Pinto, 2013) and The New Testament of Jesus Christ According to John (Joaquim Pinto and Nuno Leonel, 2013)”]. In Um Olhar Português: Cinema e Natureza no Século XXI [A Portuguese Look: Cinema and Nature in the 21st Century], org. Filipa Rosário and José Duarte, 308-14. Lisbon: Documenta. [EG.UC]

2024. “A Projeção do Encontro: O Cinema no Diálogo Intercultural” [“The Projection of Encounter: Cinema in Intercultural Dialogue”]. In Concordância e Diferença: ‘Liber Amicorum’ para João Maria André [Agreement and Difference: ‘Liber Amicorum’ for João Maria André], coord. Mário Santiago de Carvalho, Fernando Matos Oliveira, and Klédson Tiago Alves de Souza, 397-404. Coimbra: IEF. [EG.UC]

2023. “Foge / Get Out (2017) - Jordan Peele: As Mãos Discordantes” [“Get Out (2017) - Jordan Peele: The Discordant Hands”]. In Os 100 Melhores Planos do Cinema: 100 Autores, 100 Planos [The 100 Best Film Shots: 100 Authors, 100 Shots], org. Nelson Araújo, 397-99. Lisbon: Edições 70.

2023. “Genuine Poetics: Expressive Authenticity in Film”. In Aesthetic Authenticity in Cinema, org. Filipe Martins, 195-209. Porto: Faculty of Arts and Humanities of the University of Porto. [EG.UC]

2023. “Lutas pela Democracia” [“Struggles for Democracy”]. In 25 de Abril: Uma Revolução em Perspectiva [April 25th: A Revolution in Perspective], 74-83. Lisbon: Edições “Avante!”

2023. “The Most Important of the Arts: The October Revolution and Film Production”. In Revolution and (Post) War, 1917-1922: Spring and Autumn in Europe and the World, ed. Clara Serrano and Sérgio Neto, 64-73. London: Routledge.

2023. “Para a Cidade Fraterna” [“To the Fraternal City”]. In Instituto Universitário Iustitia et Pax, 1971-2021: 50 Anos, 50 Histórias [Iustitia et Pax University Institute, 1971-2021: 50 Years, 50 Stories], ed. Fiftieth Anniversary Organisation Committee, 241-42. Coimbra: Instituto Universitário Justiça e Paz.

2023. “A Renovação na Europa de Leste” [“Renewal in Eastern Europe”]. In História do Cinema: Dos Primórdios ao Cinema Contemporâneo [History of Cinema: From the Beginnings to Contemporary Cinema], 2nd ed., ed. Nelson Araújo, 225-37. Lisbon: Edições 70.

2021. “O Mundo de Maria: Reflexões entre Jean-Luc Godard e Stanley Cavell” [“Mary’s World: Reflections Between Jean-Luc Godard and Stanley Cavell”]. In Imágenes como patrias [Images as Homelands], coord. Victoria Hernández Ruiz and Sara Dias-Trindade, 179-200. Madrid: Editorial Sinderesis. [EG.UC]

2021. “A Renovação na Europa de Leste” [“Renewal in Eastern Europe”]. In História do Cinema: Dos Primórdios ao Cinema Contemporâneo [History of Cinema: From the Beginnings to Contemporary Cinema], ed. Nelson Araújo, 219-32. Lisbon: Edições 70.

2021. “这么远,这么近” [“So Far Away, So Close”]. In A Century of the Communist Party of China: Statements from 100 Foreign Communists, vol. 2, 532-39. Beijing: Contemporary China Publishing House.

2021. “Together in the Midst of War: Muslim and Christian Coexistence in Lebanese Cinema”. In New Approaches to Islam in Film, ed. Kristian Petersen, 210-21. New York: Routledge. [EG.UC]

2020. “‘A Cultura É Política’: O Cinema de Ousmane Sembène na África Pós-Colonial” [“‘Culture Is Politics’: Ousmane Sembène’s Cinema in Post-Colonial Africa”]. In Cinemas Pós-Coloniais e Periféricos, Volume 2 [Post-Colonial and Peripheral Cinemas, Volume 2], ed. Michelle Sales, Paulo Cunha, and Liliane Leroux, 145-55. Guimaraes and Rio de Janeiro: Nós por Cá Todos Bem - Associação Cultural and Edições LCV. [EG.UC]

2020. “Expressões da Solidão: Início, Fim, Entremeio em Carta de Uma Desconhecida (1948)” [“‘Expressions of Solitude: Beginning, Ending, In-Between in Letter from an Unknown Woman (1948)”]. In Imitações da Vida: Cinema Clássico Americano — Ensaios para Mário Jorge Torres [Imitations of Life: Classic American Cinema — Essays for Mário Jorge Torres], org. Clara Rowland, Fernando Guerreiro, and José Bértolo, 285-95. Silveira: BookBuilders. [EG.UC]

2020. “Nem Luz Pura, Nem Sombra: Nostalgia da Luz como Documentário Poético Politizado” [“Neither Pure Light, Nor Shadow: Nostalgia for the Light as Politicised Poetic Documentary”]. In Visões da Luz [Visions of Light], ed. Francisco Gil and Lídia Catarino, 163-74. Coimbra: Coimbra University Press. http://monographs.uc.pt/iuc/catalog/book/42. [EG.UC]

2019. “Mulheres Especulares: Género e Desdobramento no Neo-Noir de Brian De Palma” [“Specular Women: Gender and Unfolding in Brian De Palma’s Neo-Noir”]. In Espelhos do “Film Noir” [Mirrors of Film Noir], ed. Jeffrey Childs, 133-42. Lisbon: Documenta. [EG.UC]

2018. “The Urban and the Domestic: Spaces of American Film Noir”. In New Approaches to Cinematic Spaces, ed. Filipa Rosário and Iván Villarmea Álvarez, 85-96. London: Routledge. [EG.UC]

2017. “As Águas de Sua Mãe: Líquida Força, Líquida Fragilidade” [“As Águas de Sua Mãe: Liquid Strength, Liquid Fragility”]. In UBICinema 2007-2017, org. Ana Catarina Pereira and Luís Nogueira, 209-17. Covilhã: Editora LabCom.IFP. http://www.labcom-ifp.ubi.pt/ficheiros/201712131640-201713_
. [EG.UC]

2016. “A Cidade das Imagens: Três Olhares Fílmicos sobre a Urbanidade de Hoje” [“The City of Images: Three Film Perspectives on Today’s Urbanity”]. In Territórios do Cinema: Representações e Paisagens da Pós-Modernidade [Territories of Film: Representations and Landscapes of Post-Modernity], coord. Fátima Velez de Castro and João Luís J. Fernandes, 103-22. Malaga, AN: Eumed - University of Malaga. http://www.eumed.net/libros-gratis/ciencia/2016/39/39.zip. [EG.UC]

2016. “Sembène, Ousmane (1923-2007)”. In The Palgrave Encyclopedia of Imperialism and Anti-Imperialism, Vol. I, ed. Immanuel Ness and Zack Cope, 218-22. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. [EG.UC]

2015. “Magic and Loss: Style, Progression and the ‘Ending’ of Carnivàle”. In “Carnivàle” and the American Grotesque: Critical Essays on the HBO Series, ed. Peg Aloi and Hannah E. Johnston, 57-72. Jefferson, NC: McFarland. [EG.UC]

2014. “O Conceito Aberto de Cinemático” [“The Open Concept of the Cinematic”]. In Cinema & Filosofia: Compêndio [Film & Philosophy: Compendium], org. João Mário Grilo and Maria Irene Aparício, 351-63. Lisbon: Edições Colibri. [EG.UC]

2013. “Situating Comedy: Duration and Inhabitation in Classical American Sitcoms”. In Television Aesthetics and Style, ed. Jason Jacobs and Steven Peacock, 93-102. New York: Bloomsbury. [EG.UC]

2011. “Na Desordem: Balagan, Mapa Intersticial de Histórias e Identidades” [“In Disorder: Balagan, Interstitial Map of Histories and Identities”]. In Literatura, Espaço, Cartografias [Literature, Space, Cartographies], ed. António Apolinário Lourenço and Osvaldo Manuel Silvestre, 391-408. Coimbra: Centre for Portuguese Literature at the University of Coimbra. [EG.UC]

2011. “Super Style: Notes for a Stylistic Analysis”. In Investigating “Heroes”: Truth, Justice and Quality TV, ed. David Simmons, 109-18. Jefferson, NC: McFarland. [EG.UC]

2010. “Sci-Fi Ghettos: Battlestar Galactica and Genre Aesthetics”. In “Battlestar Galactica”: Investigating Flesh, Spirit, and Steel, ed. Roz Kaveney and Jennifer Stoy, 185-98. London: I.B. Tauris. [EG.UC]

2009. “Music Videos and Reused Footage”. In Cultural Borrowings: Appropriation, Reworking, Transformation, ed. Iain Robert Smith, 111-21. Nottingham: Scope. http://www.nottingham.ac.uk/
. [EG.UC]

—. “Estética da Produção: Uma Experiência de Ensino da História do Cinema” [“Aesthetics of Production: An Experience of Teaching History of Cinema”]. In Cultura, Estética e Formação: Projetos e Experiências [Culture, Aesthetics and Training: Projects and Experiences], ed. Rita Márcia Furtado e Silvia Zanolla. Goiânia, GO: Editora UFG.

—. “Uma Personagem na História: Filmar O Ano da Morte de Ricardo Reis” [“A Character in History: Filming The Year of the Death of Ricardo Reis”]. In “Filmo um texto como se fosse um rosto” [“I film a text as if it were a face”], ed. Golgona Anghel. Lisbon: Documenta.

—. With Teodora Jovanović and Daniel Škobla. “Liminal Situations: Aki Kaurismäki’s Cinematic Narratives of Refugees in Europe”. In Religious and Non-Religious Narratives on Migration, ed. Regina Polak and John Klaasen. Vienna: Brill and Vienna University Press.

Refereed Articles

2024. “Places of Hope: A Cinematic and Theological Exploration”. Gavagai - Revista Interdisciplinar de Humanidades 11, n.º 1, “Representações Literárias e Audiovisuais do Território” [“Literary and Audiovisual Representations of the Territory”], org. Éverton de Moraes Kozenieski, Fernando Rossetto Gallego Campos, and Fátima Velez de Castro, 10-21. Federal University of the Southern Border. https://periodicos.uffs.edu.br/index.php/GAVAGAI/article/view/14842. [EG.UC]

2023. “Expressividades: A Autenticidade Estética e as Formas Expressivas do Cinema” [“Expressivities: Aesthetic Authenticity and the Expressive Forms of Cinema”]. Paralaxe: Revista de Estética e Filosofia da Arte 9, n.º 1, “Filme e Filosofia” [“Film and Philosophy”], ed. Carla M. Damião, Rodrigo Araújo, and Eduardo Carli de Moraes: 149-64. Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo. https://
. [EG.UC]

2023. “Resistance and Resilience: The Nothing Factory and the Workers’ Self-Management of Fateleva”. International Labor and Working-Class History, special issue “Workers and Obsolescence”, ed. Lori A. Flores and Aaron Benanav: 1-12. Cambridge University Press. https://www.cambridge.org/core/

2023. With Júlia Vilhena. “O Filme-Ensaio: História e Teoria” [“The Film-Essay: History and Theory”]. Esferas: Revista Interprogramas de Pós-graduação em Comunicação do Centro Oeste 26, “Autoria no Documentário” [“Authorship in Documentary”], ed. Sérgio Dias Branco and Luísa Neves Soares: 21-39. Catholic University of Brasília. https://portalrevistas.ucb.br/index.php/esf/article/view/14388. [EG.UC]

2020. “O Agora de Outrora: O Cinema de Silas Tiny” [“The Now of Erstwhile: The Cinema of Silas Tiny”]. Vista: Revista de Cultura Visual 6, “(In)Visibilidades: Imagem e Racismo” [“(In)Visibilities: Image and Racism”], ed. Ana Cristina Pereira, Michele Sales, and Rosa Cabecinhas: 171-78. Portuguese Association of Communication Sciences. http://vista.sopcom.pt/ficheiros/20200630-9_o_agora_de_outrora_o_cinema_de_silas_tiny.pdf. [EG.UC]

2020. “Nas Flores Vermelhas: Três Estudos sobre a Revolução de Outubro e o Cinema” [“In the Red Flowers: Three Studies on the October Revolution and Film”]. Estudos do Século XX 20, “Politização, Despolitização e Repolitização” [“Politicisation, Depoliticisation and Repoliticisation”], ed. António Pedro Pita, Fernando Matos Oliveira, and Michelle Sales: 65-82. Coimbra University Press. https://
. [EG.UC]

2020. “Spectres of Today: The Fractures of History in Horse Money (2014)”. Observatorio (OBS*) 14, no. 4, “Intermedialidades em Imagens (Pós)Coloniais” [“Intermedialities in (Post)Colonial Images”], ed. Maria do Carmo Piçarra: 39-51. Observatory on Communication. http://obs.obercom.pt/index.php/
. [EG.UC]

2020. “The Work of Cinematic Art: Art as Work and Work as Art”. Peace, Land, & Bread: A Scholarly Journal of Revolutionary Theory and Practice 3: 173-80. https://4e738bf1-3b89-467b-8f45-de5511b6665d.filesusr.com/ugd/ec1faf_9d1edf69765a4913b401921 ee2800177.pdf. [EG.UC]

2019. “Descobertas do Cinemático” [“Discoveries of the Cinematic”]. Paralaxe: Revista de Estética e Filosofia da Arte 6, no. 1: 121-43. Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo. https://revistas.pucsp.br/
. [EG.UC]

2019. “Melodias do Reuso: A Reutilização de Imagens nos Vídeos Musicais” [“Melodies of Reuse: Image Reutilisation in Music Videos”]. Esferas: Revista Interprogramas de Pós-graduação em Comunicação do Centro Oeste 16, “Novas Linguagens do Audiovisual” [“New Languages of the Audiovisual”], ed. Felipe Polydoro and Gabriela Freitas: 26-34. Catholic University of Brasília. https://portalrevistas.ucb.br/index.php/esf/article/view/11265. [EG.UC]

2017. “Morta por Dentro: Subjetividade e Alegoria em The Addiction” [“Dead Inside: Subjectivity and Allegory in The Addiction”]. Revista de História das Ideias 35, “Fronteiras” [“Boundaries”], ed. João Maria André and Rui Cunha Martins: 437-61. Coimbra University Press. https://impactum-journals.uc.pt/rhi/article/view/2183-8925_35_16. [EG.UC]

2017. “The Past Tense of Our Selves: Um Adeus Português in 1980s Portugal”. Journal of Lusophone Studies 2, no. 1, “Special Dossier on Portuguese Cinema,” ed. Clara Rowland and Estela Vieira: 41-58. American Portuguese Studies Association. https://jls.apsa.us/index.php/jls/article/view/154. [EG.UC]

2016. “O Cinema como Educação Social dos Sentidos” [“Film as Social Education of the Senses”]. Persona: Revista do Departamento de Teatro e Cinema da ESAP 3, “Art and Human Development,” ed. José Eduardo da Silva: 61-69. Higher Artistic School of Porto. http://persona-esap.weebly.com/uploads/9/0/2/7/90272353/persona3_8_sergio_dias_branco.pdf. [EG.UC]

2015. “Kino Kino Kino Kino Kino: Guy Maddin’s Cinema of Artifice”. L’Atalante: Revista de estudios cinematográficos 19, coord. Pablo Hernández Miñano and Violeta Martín Núñez: 105-10. University of Valencia. https://www.revistaatalante.com/index.php/atalante/article/view/269/256. [EG.UC]

2012. “A Memória Resistente da Guerra no Cinema Vietnamita” [“The Resistant Memory of War in Vietnamese Cinema”]. O Olho da História: Revista de Teoria, Cultura, Cinema e Sociedades 19. Federal University of Bahia. http://oolhodahistoria.ufba.br/wp-content/uploads/2016/12/18sergio.pdf. [EG.UC]

2011. “Au hasard Balthazar: teologia e arte della presenza” [orig. “Seeing Balthazar: Robert Bresson’s Art of Presence and Franciscan Theology”], trans. Simona Busni and Andreina Campagna. Fata Morgana: Quadrimestrale di cinema e visioni 14, “Animalità”: 163-70. Luigi Pellegrini Editore and University of Calabria. [EG.UC]

2011. “Film noir, um Género Imaginado” [“Film Noir, an Imagined Genre”]. Revista de História das Ideias 32, “Artes” (2011): 327-54. Coimbra University Press. https://impactum.uc.pt/pt-pt/node/117977. [EG.UC]

2008. “The Mosaic-Screen: Exploration and Definition”. Refractory: A Journal of Entertainment Media 14. University of Melbourne. https://refractoryjournal.net/the-mosaic-screen-exploration-and-definition-sergio-dias-branco. [EG.UC]

Papers in Conference Proceedings

2022. “Cinema e Marxismo, Pontos de Fuga” [“Cinema and Marxism, Vanishing Points”]. Atas do X Encontro Anual da AIM [Proceedings of the X AIM Annual Meeting], ed. Carlos Natálio, Elisabete Marques, and Marta Pinho Alves, 119-26. Lisbon: Association of Moving Image Researchers. https://
. [EG.UC]

2020. “A Presença do Futuro: Marxismo e Cristianismo, Luta de Classes e Fraternidade Humana no Pensamento do Dominicano Herbert McCabe” [“The Presence of the Future: Marxism and Christianity, Class Struggle and Human Fraternity in the Thought of Dominican Herbert McCabe”]. III Congresso Internacional “Marx em Maio”: No Bicentenário do Nascimento de Karl Marx – Colectânea de Textos [III International Congress “Marx in May”: In the Bicentenary of Karl Marx’s Birth – Collection of Texts], 455-65. Lisboa: Grupo de Estudos Marxistas. [EG.UC]

2019. “The Class of Images: Sketch for a Research Project”. In Politics and Image, org. Constantino Pereira Martins and Pedro T. Magalhães, 119-24. E-book. Coimbra: IEF Instituto de Estudos Filosóficos. http://
. [EG.UC]

2017. “Visualizar a Inferência: Motivos de Imagem nos Policiais Processuais da CBS” [“Visualising Inference: Image Motifs in CBS Police Procedurals”]. In Televisão e Novos Meios [Television and New Media], org. Paulo Serra and Sónia Sá, 129-35. Covilhã: Editora LabCom.IFP. http://labcom-ifp.ubi.pt/livro/291. [EG.UC]

2016. “O Cinema como Ética” [“Film as Ethics”]. In Atas do V Encontro Anual da AIM [Proceedings of the V AIM Annual Meeting], ed. Sofia Sampaio, Filipe Reis, and Gonçalo Mota, 146-55. E-book. Lisbon: Association of Moving Image Researchers. http://aim.org.pt/atas/Atas-VEncontroAnualAIM.pdf. [EG.UC]

2016. “O Rosto da Técnica: Walter Benjamin e a Arte Fotográfica” [“The Face of the Technique: Walter Benjamin and Photographic Art”]. In Filosofia e as Artes [Philosophy and the Arts], org. Steven S. Gouveia, 95-100. Charleston, SC: CreateSpace Independent Publishing. [EG.UC]

2015. “A Arte como Trabalho ou O Trabalho como Arte” [“Art as Labour or Labour of Art”]. In II Congresso Internacional “Marx em Maio” 2014: Colectânea de Textos [II International Congress “Marx in May” 2014: Collection of Texts], 455-66. Lisbon: Group for Marxist Studies. [EG.UC]

2015. “Comunidades do Cinema” [“Cinema Communities”]. In Atas do IV Encontro Anual da AIM [Proceedings of the IV AIM Annual Meeting], ed. Daniel Ribas and Manuela Penafria, 112-19. E-book. Covilhã: Association of Moving Image Researchers. https://aim.org.pt/atas/indice/Atas-IVEncontroAnualAIM-09.pdf. [EG.UC]

2015. “A Identidade como Facto Colectivo em Palombella rossa” [“Identity as Collective Fact in Palombella rossa”]. In AVANCA | CINEMA 2015, coord. António Costa Valente and Rita Capucho, 391-98. Avanca: Edições Cineclube de Avanca. [EG.UC]

2015. “As Imagens Ressonantes: A Escrita Fílmica de Marguerite Duras” [“The Resonant Images: Marguerite Duras’s Film Writing”]. In 1.º Simpósio “A Fusão das Artes no Cinema” [“The Fusion of Arts in Cinema” 1st Symposium], org. Vítor Ferreira e André Cardoso, 18-24. Coimbra: Edições Caminhos do Cinema Português. [EG.UC]

2014. “Vídeos Musicais e Figuras Abstractas” [“Music Videos and Abstract Figures”]. In Atas do III Encontro Anual da AIM [Proceedings of the III AIM Annual Meeting], ed. Paulo Cunha and Sérgio Dias Branco, 258-63. E-book. Coimbra: Association of Moving Image Researchers. https://aim.org.pt/
. [EG.UC]

2013. “Darkened Spaces: The Urban and the Domestic in American Film Noir”. In Inter[sections]: A Conference on Architecture, City and Cinema, ed. Luís Urbano, 434-40. Porto: A Mochila do João Associação Cultural. [EG.UC]

2013. “‘Estejamos Atentos!’: Notas sobre o Cinematógrafo como Reflexões Espirituais” [“‘Be Attentive!’: Notes on the Cinematographer as Spiritual Reflections”]. In Atas do II Encontro Anual da AIM [Proceedings of the II AIM Annual Meeting], ed. Tiago Baptista and Adriana Martins, 135-41. E-book. Lisbon: Association of Moving Image Researchers. http://aim.org.pt/atas/Atas-IIEncontroAnualAIM.pdf. [EG.UC]

2013. “Permanecer no Amor: A Arte e Teologia de Des hommes et des dieux” [“Remaining Within Love: The Art and Theology of Des hommes et des dieux”]. In Mosteiros Cistercienses: História, Arte, Espiritualidade e Património - Tomo II [Cistercian Monasteries: History, Art, Spirituality and Heritage - Volume II], dir. José Albuquerque Carreiras, 365-69. Alcobaça: Jorlis. [EG.UC]

2012. “Prescrições e Descobertas: A Especificidade do Meio Cinemático Segundo Berys Gaut” [“Prescriptions and Discoveries: The Specificity of the Cinematic Medium According to Berys Gaut”]. In XIII Colóquio de Outono: Estética, Cultura Material e Diálogos Intersemióticos [XIII Autumn Colloquium: Aesthetics, Material Culture and Intersemiotic Dialogues], org. Ana Gabriela Macedo, Carlos Mendes de Sousa, and Vítor Moura, 115-25. Vila Nova de Famalicão: Edições Húmus. [EG.UC]

2012. “Screened Signs of Grace: André Bazin’s ‘Cinema and Theology’ and the Sacramental Facet of Film”. In Spirituality: New Reflections on Theory, Praxis and Pedagogy, ed. Martin C. Fowler, Michael Weiss, and John L. Hochheimer, 199-205. E-book. Oxford: Inter-Disciplinary Press. [EG.UC]

Non-Refereed Articles

2024. “Frei Betto em Cuba” [“Frei Betto in Cuba”]. Vértice 212, 95-104. 2022. “Cinema e Classe Trabalhadora, Perspectivas Unidas” [“Film and Working Class, United Perspectives”]. Caderno Vermelho: Revista do Sector Intelectual da Organização Regional de Lisboa do PCP 30, 38-39. Lisbon Intellectual Sector of the Portuguese Communist Party.

2022. “Comunistas e Católicos: Contextos de uma Orientação Política do PCP” [“Communists and Catholics: Contexts of a Political Orientation of the PCP”]. Vértice 202, 46-65.

2021. “Uma Ausência Tornada Presente: Gestos & Fragmentos (1982)” [“An Absence Made Present: Gestures & Fragments (1982)”]. Palavrasemovimento: Vamos Falar de Cinema Português 1960-2000. https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5dbb010f9c99f94ce79d45f2/t/606616c1853cd04ab4852f9f/1617303233906/Gestos+e+Fragmentos.pdf. [EG.UC]

2021. “Outro País: O Cinema Português Depois da Revolução” [“Another Country: Portuguese Cinema After the Revolution”]. Seara Nova 1756, 118-25. [EG.UC]

2020. “Não Mais Morrer: Cinema, Invenção, Futuro” [“No More Dying: Cinema, Invention, Future ”]. Ensaios de Teatro 9, 81-85. TEatroensaio. [EG.UC]

2020. “Ouvir Cinema” [“Cinema Listening”]. Cinema: Revista da Federação Portuguesa de Cineclubes 46, 52-55. https://fpcc.pt/revista/cinema_46_opt20201220.pdf.

2019. “O Canto do Ossobó: Reminiscências” [“O Canto do Ossobó: Reminiscences”]. Cinema: Revista da Federação Portuguesa de Cineclubes 45, 58-61. https://www.fpcc.pt/revista/cinema_4520190911.pdf. [EG.UC]

2019. “Contra Tudo o que Era Velho: A Revolução de Abril e o Cinema” [“Against All That Was Old: The April Revolution and Cinema”]. Diagonal 2, series III, 2-4. Porto Intellectual Sector of the Portuguese Communist Party.

2019. “Conversations with Stanley”. Forma de Vida 15. School of Arts and Humanities of the University of Lisbon. https://formadevida.org/sdbrancofdv15. [EG.UC]

2019. “Séries de Televisão: Estética, Visionamento Atento e Escrita Crítica” [“Television Series: Aesthetics, Attentive Watching and Written Criticism”]. Aniki: Portuguese Journal of the Moving Image 6, no. 1: 32-40. Association of Moving Image Researchers. http://aim.org.pt/ojs/index.php/revista/article/view/
. [EG.UC]

2019. With Inês N. Lourenço and José Oliveira. “Carlos Melo Ferreira: Até Sempre, Querido Professor” [“Carlos Melo Ferreira: Farewell, Dear Teacher”] [part]. À Pala de Walsh, 10 Sept. http://

2018. “José Augusto Mourão, Errante da Palavra” [“José Augusto Mourão, Wanderer of the Word”]. Colóquio/Letras 199, 216-21. Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation. [EG.UC]

2016. “Corpos Instáveis: Os Vídeos Musicais de Chris Cunningham” [“Unstable Bodies: Chris Cunningham’s Music Videos”]. ESC:ALA: Revista Electrónica de Estudos e Práticas Interartes 7. Institute for Comparative Literature Margarida Losa. http://wp.me/p4iz9I-T9. [EG.UC]

2016. “The Law of Capital: The Measure of a Man”. Film International, 11 Sept. http://filmint.nu/?p=19295. [EG.UC]

2015. “Antígona, Mulher Levantada” [“Antigone, Woman Standing Up”]. Vértice 176, 98-106. [EG.UC]

2015. “Um Encontro Desencontrado em Tempo de Guerra” [“A Missed Meeting in Time of War”]. Via Latina: Ad Libitum 12, “Tempo de Encontro(s)” [“Time of Encounter(s)”], 102-4. Journalism Section of the Coimbra Academic Association. [EG.UC]

2015. “Entendimentos do Cinema: A Linguagem Analítica e Crítica para Daniel Frampton e David Bordwell” [“Understandings of Film: The Analytical and Critical Language of Daniel Frampton and David Bordwell”]. Vértice 174, 58-70. [EG.UC]

2015. “A Matéria do Mal: Os Filmes Noir de Orson Welles” [“The Matter of Evil: Orson Welles’s Noir Films”]. Vértice 177, 13-37. [EG.UC]

2014. “Fotografar, Filmar, Escrever” [“Photographing, Filming, Writing”]. Revista Alma Azul: Revista de Artes e Ideias 10, 6-13. Alma Azul. [EG.UC]

2014. “Uma Aparência, Diferentes Seres: Performance e Identidade Pessoal em Battlestar Galactica” [“One Appearance, Different Beings: Performance and Personal Identity in Battlestar Galactica”]. Drama: Revista de Cinema e Teatro 5, 38-41. Portuguese Association of Screenwriters and Playwrights. [EG.UC]

Introductions and Prefaces

2023. With Luísa Neves Soares. “Autoria no Documentário: Um Panorama Contemporâneo” [“Authorship in Documentary: A Contemporary Panorama”]. Esferas: Revista Interprogramas de Pós-graduação em Comunicação do Centro Oeste 26, “Autoria no Documentário” [“Authorship in Documentary”], ed. Sérgio Dias Branco and Soares: i-vii. Catholic University of Brasília. https://portalrevistas.ucb.br/
. [EG.UC]

2022. “Prefácio” [“Preface”]. In Maria do Rosário Lupi Bello, Tempo e Narrativa no Cinema de Manoel de Oliveira [Time and Narrative in the Cinema of Manoel de Oliveira], 13-15. Lisbon: Tinta da China. [EG.UC]

2020. With Amir Khan. “Feeling It: Editorial Comment”. Conversations: The Journal of Cavellian Studies 8: 1-2. University of Ottawa. https://uottawa.scholarsportal.info/ottawa/index.php/conversations/article/
. [EG.UC]

2017. With Amir Khan. “The Aesthetics of Politics and the Politics of Aesthetics in and After Cavell: Editorial Comment”. Conversations: The Journal of Cavellian Studies 5, “The Aesthetics of Politics and the Politics of Aesthetics in and After Cavell”: 1-3. University of Ottawa. https://
. [EG.UC]

2017. With Patrícia Silveirinha Castello Branco and Saeed Zeydabadi-Nejad. “Editorial: (Re)Thinking Islamic Imagery”. Cinema: Journal of Philosophy and the Moving Image 9, “Islam and Images”: 1-3. Nova Institute of Philosophy. http://cjpmi.ifilnova.pt/storage/9/9_Editorial.pdf. [EG.UC]

2016. With Amir Khan. “Cavell and Literature: Editorial Comment”. Conversations: The Journal of Cavellian Studies 4, “Cavell and Literature”: 1-3. University of Ottawa. https://
. [EG.UC]

2016. With Michael Wayne. “Editorial: Film Through Marx, Our Contemporary”. Cinema: Journal of Philosophy and the Moving Image 8, “Marx’s Philosophy”: 1-3. Nova Institute of Philosophy. http://
. [EG.UC]

2015. With Amir Khan. “Cavell and History: Editorial Comment”. Conversations: The Journal of Cavellian Studies 3, “Cavell and History”: 1-2. University of Ottawa. https://uottawa.scholarsportal.info/ottawa/
. [EG.UC]

2014. With Paulo Cunha. “Introdução” [“Introduction”]. In Atas do III Encontro Anual da AIM [Proceedings of the III AIM Annual Meeting], ed. Cunha and Sérgio Dias Branco, 7-8. Coimbra: Association of Moving Image Researchers. http://aim.org.pt/atas/pdfs/Atas-IIIEncontroAnualAIM-Intro.pdf. [EG.UC]

2013. “Editorial: Cinema, Religion, and Their Philosophical Thinking”. Cinema: Journal of Philosophy and the Moving Image 4, “Philosophy of Religion”: 1-3. Nova Institute of Philosophy. http://
. [EG.UC]

2013. With Amir Khan. “Genesis: Editorial Comment”. Conversations: The Journal of Cavellian Studies 1, “Genesis”: 1-3. University of Ottawa. https://uottawa.scholarsportal.info/ojs/index.php/conversations/
. [EG.UC]

2010. With Patrícia Silveirinha Castello Branco and Susana Viegas. “Editorial”. Cinema: Journal of Philosophy and the Moving Image 1: 1-6. Nova Institute of Philosophy. http://cjpmi.ifilnova.pt/storage/
1/1_Editorial E.pdf
. [EG.UC]

Book Reviews

2022. “Religion and Film: Representation, Experience, Meaning”, review of Stefanie Knauss’s Religion and Film: Representation, Experience, Meaning. Journal of Religion & Film 26, no. 1. University of Nebraska Omaha. https://digitalcommons.unomaha.edu/jrf/vol26/iss1/56. [EG.UC]

2021. “Cinema Transformed”, review of Mike Wayne’s Marxism Goes to the Movies. Aniki: Portuguese Journal of the Moving Image 8, no. 1: 303-6. Association of Moving Image Researchers. https://
. [EG.UC]

2018. “Luis Buñuel e a Evanescência do Olhar” [“Luis Buñuel and the Evanescence of the Gaze”], review of Mirian Tavares’s Buñuel e o Surrealismo: A Arquitetura do Sonho. Aniki: Portuguese Journal of the Moving Image 5, no. 1: 176-78. Association of Moving Image Researchers. http://aim.org.pt/ojs/
. [EG.UC]

2014. “Estudos do Vídeo Musical” [“Music Video Studies”], review of The Music Video Reader, ed. Simon Frith, Andrew Goodwin, and Lawrence Grossberg, E. Ann Kaplan’s Rocking Around the Clock: Music Television, Postmodernism, & Consumer Culture, Laurent Jullier and Julien Péquignot’s Le clip: histoire et esthétique, and Carol Vernallis’s Experiencing Music Video: Aesthetics and Cultural Context. Aniki: Portuguese Journal of the Moving Image 1, no. 2: 363-68. Association of Moving Image Researchers. http://aim.org.pt/ojs/index.php/revista/article/view/75/70. [EG.UC]

Conducted Interviews

2018. “‘Being Open to Possibilities That We Can’t Know Yet’: An Interview with Catherine Grant”. Aniki: Portuguese Journal of the Moving Image 5, no. 2: 521-37. Association of Moving Image Researchers. http://aim.org.pt/ojs/index.php/revista/article/download/427/pdf. [EG.UC]

2013. “Film/Religion: A Conversation with P. Adams Sitney”. Cinema: Journal of Philosophy and the Moving Image 4, “Philosophy of Religion”: 210-15. Nova Institute of Philosophy. http://
. [EG.UC]

Granted Interviews

2023. “A Lei do Cinema – Entrevista com Sérgio Dias Branco” [“The Law of Cinema – Interview with Sérgio Dias Branco”]. Interview by Bernardo Freire. Camões TV. https://camoestv.com/producoes/a-lei-do-cinema/a-lei-do-cinema-entrevista-com-sergio-dias-branco-episode23-season-01.

2020. “Católicos Sindicalistas em Defesa da Justiça” [“Catholic Trade Unionists in Defense of Justice”]. Interview by Cláudia Sebastiã. Família Cristã LXVI, no. 4, 32-36. https://familiacrista.paulus.pt/

2020. “A solidariedade é um instrumento de transformação social” [“Solidarity is an instrument of social transformation”]. Interview by Bruno Amaral de Carvalho. A Voz do Operário 3079, 8-9. https://

2017. “Dá-nos Música, Mas é Cinema” [“It Gives Us Music, But It’s Film”]. Interview by Sara Quelhas. Metropolis 50, 129. http://cinemametropolis.com/images/revistas-pdf/2017/m50/#p=1.

2016. “‘O cinema constrói um olhar e nós temos de questionar esse olhar’” [“‘Film constructs a perspective and we have to question that perspective’”]. Interview by Luís Mendonça. À Pala de Walsh, 22 Nov. http://www.apaladewalsh.com/2016/11/sergio-dias-branco-o-cinema-constroi-um-olhar-e-nos-temos-de-questionar-esse-olhar.

2016. “Duas perguntas a...” [“Two questions to...”]. JF - Jornal da FENPROF 286, 11. National Federation of Teachers. http://www.fenprof.pt/Download/FENPROF/SM_Doc/Mid_135/Cat_632/Anexos/

2015. “Em Foco: Catequese” [“In Focus: Catechesis”]. JO: Juventude Operária 655, 5. Catholic Workers Youth.

2007. “Entrevista a… Sérgio Dias Branco” [“Interview with… Sérgio Dias Branco”]. Interview by Luís Salvado. Premiere 93, 28.

Other Articles

2025. “Paz para o Flagelado Haiti” [“Peace for the Flagellated Haiti”]. Terra da Fraternidade, 2 Jan. https://www.terradafraternidade.net/itens-1/paz-para-o-flagelado-haiti.

2024. “A Alegria, Apesar de Tudo” [“Joy, Despite Everything”], review of Gaza mon amour (2020). Avante! 2647, 22 Aug., 28. Portuguese Communist Party. https://avante.pt/pt/2647/argumentos/176668/A-Alegria-apesar-de-tudo.htm.

2024. “Os Fantasmas de Lourenço Marques” [“The Ghosts of Lourenço Marques”], review of Catembe (1965). Avante! 2620, 15 Feb., 27. Portuguese Communist Party. https://www.avante.pt/pt/2620/

2024. “IA, Irmandade e Amizade” [“AI, Brotherhood and Friendship”]. Terra da Fraternidade, 26 Jan. https://www.terradafraternidade.net/itens-1/ia,-irmandade-e-amizade.

2024. “Mandabi”, review of Mandabi (1968). Cineclube EA, School of Arts, Catholic University of Portugal, Porto.

2024. “Morrer e Viver na Palestina” [“Dying and Living in Palestine”]. Terra da Fraternidade, 8 Jul. https://

2024. “Um Retrato da Periferia Social” [“A Portrait of the Social Periphery”], review of Mandabi (1968). Avante! 2636, 6 Jun., 28. Portuguese Communist Party. https://www.avante.pt/pt/2636/argumentos/

2024. “A Revolução Não Será Filmada” [“The Revolution Will Not Be Filmed”], review of Passagem ou a Meio Caminho (1980). AbrilAbril, 20 Sept. https://www.abrilabril.pt/cultura/revolucao-nao-sera-filmada.

2024. “São José Operário, ‘Padroeiro’ da CGTP-IN” [“Saint Joseph the Worker, ‘Patron Saint’ of CGTP-Intersindical”]. Terra da Fraternidade, 29 Apr. https://www.terradafraternidade.net/itens-1/são-josé-operário,-“padroeiro”-da-cgtp-in.

2024. With Deolinda Machado, Joaquim Mesquita, Artur Ribeiro, Nicolas Fernandez, and Duarte Nuno Morgado. “Votar e Lutar pela Liberdade, a Justiça, o Progresso Social e a Paz” [“Vote and Fight for Freedom, Justice, Social Progress and Peace”]. Terra da Fraternidade, 7 Mar. https://

2024. With Deolinda Machado, Joaquim Mesquita, Artur Ribeiro, Nicolas Fernandez, Duarte Nuno Morgado, and Júlia Amorim. “Uma Reflexão sobre o XXII Congresso do PCP: Debate, Convergência, Confiança” [“A Reflection on the XXII PCP Congress: Debate, Convergence, Confidence”]. Terra da Fraternidade, 10 Dec. https://www.terradafraternidade.net/reflexoes-equipa-tf/uma-reflexao-sobre-o-xxii-congresso-do-pcp-debate-converegencia.

2023. “O Activismo Católico na Construção da Paz (1)” [“Catholic Activism in Peacebuilding (1)”]. Terra da Fraternidade, 24 Feb. https://www.terradafraternidade.net/o-activismo-catolico-na-contrucao-da-paz-1.

2023. “O Activismo Católico na Construção da Paz (2)” [“Catholic Activism in Peacebuilding (2)”]. Terra da Fraternidade, 27 Feb. https://www.terradafraternidade.net/o-activismo-catolico-na-contrucao-da-paz-2.

2023. “O Activismo Católico na Construção da Paz (3)” [“Catholic Activism in Peacebuilding (3)”]. Terra da Fraternidade, 1 Mar. https://www.terradafraternidade.net/o-activismo-catolico-na-contrucao-da-paz-3.

2023. “O Activismo Católico na Construção da Paz (4)” [“Catholic Activism in Peacebuilding (4)”]. Terra da Fraternidade, 3 Mar. https://www.terradafraternidade.net/o-activismo-catolico-na-contrucao-da-paz-4.

2023. “O Activismo Católico na Construção da Paz (5)” [“Catholic Activism in Peacebuilding (5)”]. Terra da Fraternidade, 6 Mar. https://www.terradafraternidade.net/o-activismo-catolico-na-contrucao-da-paz-5.

2023. “Destruição, Reconstrução” [“Destruction, Reconstruction”], review of Oppenheimer (2003). Avante! 2602, 12 Oct., 28. Portuguese Communist Party. https://www.avante.pt/pt/2602/argumentos/

2023. “Eu, Daniel Blake (2016): Um Marceneiro Exige os Seus Direitos (I)” [“I, Daniel Blake (2016): A Woodworker Demands His Rights (I)”]. AbrilAbril, 12 Jul. https://www.abrilabril.pt/cultura/eu-daniel-blake-2016-um-marceneiro-exige-os-seus-direitos-i.

2023. “Eu, Daniel Blake (2016): Um Marceneiro Exige os Seus Direitos (II)” [“I, Daniel Blake (2016): A Woodworker Demands His Rights (II)”]. AbrilAbril, 1 Oct. https://www.abrilabril.pt/cultura/eu-daniel-blake-2016-um-marceneiro-exige-os-seus-direitos-ii.

2023. “A Guerra Vista por Rossellini” [“The War Seen by Rossellini”], review of Rome, Open City (Roma, città aperta, 1945), Paisan (Paisà, 1946), e Germany, Year Zero (Germania anno zero, 1948). Avante! 2594, 17 Ago., 27. Portuguese Communist Party. https://www.avante.pt/pt/2594/argumentos/172680/A-guerra-vista-por-Rossellini.htm.

2023. “Imaginação Emancipadora” [“Emancipating Imagination”], review of Women Talking (2022). Avante! 2577, 20 Apr., 27. Portuguese Communist Party. https://www.avante.pt/pt/2577/argumentos/

2023. “A Juventude do Papa Francisco” [“The Youth of Pope Francis”]. Le Monde Diplomatique - Edição Portuguesa 204, II series, Oct., 10-11. https://pt.mondediplo.com/2023/10/a-juventude-do-papa-francisco.html.

2023. “Um Manifesto em Celulóide” [“A Manifesto on Celluloid”], review of The Man with a Movie Camera (Chelovek s kino-apparatom, 1929). Avante! 2567, 9 Feb., 27. Portuguese Communist Party. https://

2023. “Natal, Tempo de (Des)Esperança” [“Christmas, Time of Hope(lessness)”]. Terra da Fraternidade, 22 Dec. https://www.terradafraternidade.net/itens-1/natal,-tempo-de-(des)esperança.

2023. “Uma Nova Justiça” [“A New Justice”], review of Trails (Veredas, 1978). Avante! 2584, 7 Jun., 27. Portuguese Communist Party. https://www.avante.pt/pt/2584/argumentos/171894/Uma-nova-justiça.htm.

2023. “Paz e Comunhão (1)” [“Peace and Communion (1)”]. Terra da Fraternidade, 25 Jan. https://

2023. “Paz e Comunhão (2)” [“Peace and Communion (2)”]. Terra da Fraternidade, 27 Jan. https://

2023. “Paz e Comunhão (3)” [“Peace and Communion (3)”]. Terra da Fraternidade, 30 Jan. https://

2023. “Paz e Comunhão (4)” [“Peace and Communion (4)”]. Terra da Fraternidade, 1 Fev. https://

2023. “Pressa no Ar e Vontade de Transformar” [“Hurry in the Air and the Will to Transform”]. Terra da Fraternidade, 11 Aug. https://www.terradafraternidade.net/itens-6/pressa-no-ar-e-vontade-de-transformar.

2023. “Sicília!: O Lugar das Coisas Antigas e Esquecidas.” [“Sicilia!: The Place of Ancient and Forgotten Things”]. AbrilAbril, 19 Dec. https://www.abrilabril.pt/cultura/sicilia-o-lugar-das-coisas-antigas-e-esquecidas.

2023. “A Tocha Invisível” [“The Invisible Torch”], review of Hangmen Also Die! (1943). Avante! 2611, 14 Dec., 27. Portuguese Communist Party. https://www.avante.pt/pt/2611/argumentos/173931/A-Tocha-Invisível.htm.

2023. “Valorizar a Riqueza do Cinema Português” [“Valuing the Richness of Portuguese Cinema”]. Avante! 2597, 7 Sept., 11. Portuguese Communist Party. https://www.avante.pt/pt/2597/Festa_do_Avante/

2023. With Deolinda Machado and Joaquim Mesquita. “Um Ano a Construir a Terra da Fraternidade” [“A Year of Building the Land of Fraternity”]. Terra da Fraternidade, 11 Oct. https://

2023. With Deolinda Machado and Joaquim Mesquita. “JMJ 2023: Da Logística ao Potencial” [“WYD 2023: From Logistics to Potential”]. Terra da Fraternidade, 3 Aug. https://www.terradafraternidade.net/itens-6/jmj-2023:-da-logística-ao-potencial-.

2023. With Deolinda Machado and Joaquim Mesquita. “JMJ 2023: Um Contexto Promissor” [“WYD 2023: A Promising Context”]. Terra da Fraternidade, 22 Jun. https://www.terradafraternidade.net/jmj-2023-um-contexto-promissor.

2022. “11.ª Assembleia Europeia — Vilnius: Cantai Todos os Povos, Louvai Nosso Senhor” [“11th European Assembly — Vilnius: Sing Praises, All You Peoples, Sing Praises to the Lord”]. Laicado Dominicano 413, 1-2. Lay Fraternities of Saint Dominic.

2022. “Cinema Atento ao Mundo” [“Cinema Attentive to the World”]. AbrilAbril, 30 Aug. https://

2022. “Cinema Deste Tempo e das Suas Lutas” [“Cinema of This Time and Its Struggles”]. Avante! 2545, 8 Sept., 29. Portuguese Communist Party. https://www.avante.pt/pt/2545/Festa_do_Avante/168861/

2022. “A Fraternidade como Horizonte” [“Fraternity as a Horizon”]. Terra da Fraternidade, 28 Sept. https://

2022. “O Homem da Câmara de Filmar: Um Olhar Visionário” [“Man with a Movie Camera: A Visionary Look”]. AbrilAbril, 6 Dec. https://www.abrilabril.pt/cultura/o-homem-da-camara-de-filmar-um-olhar-visionario.

2022. “Ilhas de Rocha” [“Rocha’s Islands”], review of The Island of Love (A Ilha dos Amores, 1982). Avante! 2533, 15 Jun., 29. Portuguese Communist Party. https://www.avante.pt/pt/2533/argumentos/168034/

2022. “Lutas pela Democracia” [“Struggles for Democracy”]. O Militante: PCP - Reflexão e Prática 377, 42-46. Portuguese Communist Party. https://www.omilitante.pcp.pt/pt/377/Tema/1874/Lutas-pela-Democracia.htm.

2022. “A Música da Casa” [“The House Music”], review of The Kegelstatt Trio (O Trio em Mi Bemol, 2022). Avante! 2560, 22 Dec., 27. Portuguese Communist Party. https://www.avante.pt/pt/2560/argumentos/

2022. “A Ordem do Caos” [“The Order of Chaos”], review of Enemy (2014). Avante! 2525, 21 Apr., 27. Portuguese Communist Party. https://www.avante.pt/pt/2525/argumentos/167483/A-Ordem-do-Caos.htm.

2022. “Os Pobres Não Têm Direito a Olhar para o Rio” [“The Poor Have No Right to Look at the River”], review of A Nossa Terra, O Nosso Altar (2020). Avante! 2541, 11 Aug., 27. Portuguese Communist Party. https://www.avante.pt/pt/2541/argumentos/168593/Os-pobres-não-têm-direito-a-olhar-para-o-rio.htm.

2022. “As Raízes do Território” [“The Roots of Territory”], review of The Stone Raft (La balsa de piedra, 2002). Avante! 2550, 13 Oct., 28. Portuguese Communist Party. https://www.avante.pt/pt/2550/

2022. “A Teia do Mundo” [“The World’s Web”], review of The Year of the Death of Ricardo Reis (O Ano da Morte de Ricardo Reis, 2020). Avante! 2516, 17 Feb., 27. Portuguese Communist Party. https://

2021. “25 de Abril, 3 Filmes” [“25th of April, 3 Films”]. Cinema Sétima Arte, 23 Apr. https://

2021. “A Alquimia do Cinema” [“The Alchemy of Film”], review of The Vows (A Promessa, 1973). Avante! 2490, 19 Aug., 27. Portuguese Communist Party. https://www.avante.pt/pt/2490/argumentos/165080/

2021. “Às Segundas ao Sol: Nem Casa, Nem Filhos, Nem Crédito, Nada (I)” [“Mondays in the Sun: No House, No Children, No Credit, Nothing (I)”]. AbrilAbril, 16 Mar. https://www.abrilabril.pt/

2021. “Às Segundas ao Sol: Nem Casa, Nem Filhos, Nem Crédito, Nada (II)” [“Mondays in the Sun: No House, No Children, No Credit, Nothing (II)”]. AbrilAbril, 23 Apr. https://www.abrilabril.pt/cultura/

2021. “Festa do ‘Avante!’: Cinema ao Ar Livre Comprometido com a Liberdade e a Imaginação” [“‘Avante!’ Festival: Outdoor Cinema Committed to Freedom and Imagination”]. AbrilAbril, 3 Sept. https://

2021. “Os Habitantes das Estantes” [“The Inhabitants of the Shelves”]. À Pala de Walsh, 30 Jun. http://

2021. “Harlan County U.S.A.: Os Mineiros Estarão Sempre em Luta (I)” [“Harlan County U.S.A.: The Miners Will Always Be Fighting (I)”]. AbrilAbril, 20 Jan. https://www.abrilabril.pt/cultura/harlan-county-usa-os-mineiros-estarao-sempre-em-luta-i.

2021. “Harlan County U.S.A.: Os Mineiros Estarão Sempre em Luta (II)” [“Harlan County U.S.A.: The Miners Will Always Be Fighting (II)”]. AbrilAbril, 16 Feb. https://www.abrilabril.pt/cultura/harlan-county-usa-os-mineiros-estarao-sempre-em-luta-ii.

2021. “Luto Itinerante” [“Itinerant Mourning”], review of The Metamorphosis of Birds (A Metamorfose dos Pássaros, 2020). Avante! 2499, 21 Oct., 27. Portuguese Communist Party. https://www.avante.pt/pt/

2021. “Manifesto Revolucionário” [“Revolutionary Manifesto”], review of The Guns and the People (As Armas e o Povo, 1975). Avante! 2471, 8 Apr., 29. Portuguese Communist Party. https://www.avante.pt/

2021. “Não Há Cinema como Este” [“There Is No Cinema like This”]. Avante! 2493, 9 Sept., 27. Portuguese Communist Party. https://www.avante.pt/pt/2493/Festa_do_Avante/165295/Não-há-cinema-como-este.htm.

2021. “Uma Noite Imensa” [“An Immense Night”], review of Vitalina Varela (2019). Avante! 2463, 11 Feb., 29. Portuguese Communist Party. https://www.avante.pt/pt/2463/argumentos/162626/Uma-noite-imensa.htm.

2021. “O Prazer da Liberdade” [“The Pleasure of Freedom”], review of A Pleasure, Comrades! (Prazer, Camaradas!, 2019). Avante! 2480, 9 Jun., 27. Portuguese Communist Party. https://www.avante.pt/

2021. “Raiva: Ninguém Transforma o Mundo Sozinho (I)” [“Rage: Nobody Transforms the World Alone (I)”]. AbrilAbril, 25 May. https://www.abrilabril.pt/cultura/raiva-ninguem-transforma-o-mundo-sozinho-i.

2021. “Raiva: Ninguém Transforma o Mundo Sozinho (II)” [“Rage: Nobody Transforms the World Alone (II)”]. AbrilAbril, 10 Jul. https://www.abrilabril.pt/cultura/raiva-ninguem-transforma-o-mundo-sozinho-ii.

2021. “Sorrisos e Lágrimas” [“Smiles and Tears”], review of The Kid (1921). Avante! 2506, 9 Dec., 27. Portuguese Communist Party. https://www.avante.pt/pt/2506/argumentos/166172/Sorrisos-e-lágrimas.htm.

2020. “Um Apostolado na Companhia de Domingos” [“An Apostolate in the Company of Dominic”]. Laicado Dominicano 403, 2. Lay Fraternities of Saint Dominic. https://leigosdominicanos.org/2020/

2020. “O Cinema Libertado” [“The Liberated Cinema”] [not signed]. Avante! 2441, 10 Sept., 11. Portuguese Communist Party. https://www.avante.pt/pt/2441/Festa_do_Avante/160557/O-Cinema-libertado.htm.

2020. “Um Corpo Pregado ao Asfalto” [“A Body Nailed to the Asphalt”]. Pontos SJ, 24 Jun. Portuguese Province of the Society of Jesus. https://pontosj.pt/opiniao/um-corpo- pregado-ao-asfalto.

2020. “Ensino Superior: Um Presente Incerto, Um Futuro Melhor” [“Higher Education: An Uncertain Present, A Better Future”]. RCI - Região Centro Informação 189, 23. Teachers’ Union of the Centre Region. http://www.sprc.pt/images/RCI/RCI_189_Junho2020.pdf.

2020. “A Injustiça da Guerra” [“The Injustice of War”]. Pontos SJ, 12 Nov. Portuguese Province of the Society of Jesus. https://pontosj.pt/opiniao/a-injustica-da-guerra.

2020. “No Teu Nome e na Tua Páscoa” [“In Your Name and Your Easter”]. Laicado Dominicano 401, 3. Lay Fraternities of Saint Dominic. https://leigosdominicanos.org/2020/05/10/401-laicado-dominicano-maio-2020.

2020. “Os Passos no Caminho da Paz” [“The Steps on the Path of Peace”]. Pontos SJ, 13 Feb. Portuguese Province of the Society of Jesus. https://pontosj.pt/opiniao/os-passos-no-caminho-da-paz.

2020. “A Paz e o Desassossego” [“Peace and Restlessness”]. Pontos SJ, 27 Aug. Portuguese Province of the Society of Jesus. https://pontosj.pt/opiniao/a-paz-e-o-desassossego.

2020. “O Silêncio de Tomás” [“Thomas’s Silence”]. Laicado Dominicano 402, 4-5. Lay Fraternities of Saint Dominic.

2020. “Terra da Fraternidade” [“Land of Fraternity”]. Pontos SJ, 23 Apr. Portuguese Province of the Society of Jesus. https://pontosj.pt/opiniao/terra-da-fraternidade.

2020. “Uma Vida Conspirada” [“A Conspired Life”]. A Voz do Operário 141, no. 3075, 15. https://

2019. “60 Anos de Revolução, 60 Anos de Cinema” [“60 Years of Revolution, 60 Years of Cinema”]. Avante! 2355, 17 Jan., 29. Portuguese Communist Party. http://www. avante.pt/pt/2355/argumentos/152862/60-anos-de-Revolução-60-anos-de-cinema.htm.

2019. “Ferrugem e Clamor” [“Rust and Outcry”]. Pontos SJ, 21 Mar. Portuguese Province of the Society of Jesus. https://pontosj.pt/opiniao/ferrugem-e-clamor.

2019. “A Morte e o Inferno: Vem e Vê (1985)” [“Death and Hell: Come and See (1985)”]. Boletim da URAP - União de Resistentes Antifascistas Portugueses 160, series 4, 7. http://www.urap.pt/attachments/

2019. “A Noite Escura da Fé: Luz de Inverno, de Ingmar Bergman” [“The Dark Night of Faith: Winter Light, by Ingmar Bergman”]. 7 Margens, 15 Jan. http://setemargens.com/a-noite-escura-da-fe-luz-de-inverno-de-ingmar-bergman.

2019. “Os Nomes da Diferença” [“The Names of Difference”]. Pontos SJ, 21 Jun. Portuguese Province of the Society of Jesus. https://pontosj.pt/opiniao/os-nomes-da-diferenca. Repub. Laicado Dominicano 397, 4-5. Lay Fraternities of Saint Dominic.

2019. “A Palavra, de Carl Dreyer: Provas de Vida” [“Ordet, by Carl Dreyer: Proofs of Life”]. 7 Margens, 18 Feb. http://setemargens.com/a-palavra-de-carl-dreyer-provas-de-vida.

2019. “Passeio da Família Dominicana: A Presença da Ordem em Abrantes” [“Dominican Family Trip: The Presence of the Order in Abrantes”]. Laicado Dominicano 396, 1-2. Lay Fraternities of Saint Dominic.

2019. “Portugal e o Resto do Mundo Vistos pelo Cinema” [“Portugal and the Rest of the World Seen by Cinema”]. Avante! 2389, 12 Sept., 7. Portuguese Communist Party. https://www.avante.pt/pt/2389/

2019. “A Presença do Ressuscitado no Mundo” [“The Presence of the Risen One in the World”]. Pontos SJ, 22 Aug. Portuguese Province of the Society of Jesus. https://pontosj.pt/opiniao/a-presenca-do-ressuscitado-no-mundo. Repub. Laicado Dominicano 399, 4-5. Lay Fraternities of Saint Dominic.

2019. “Razões de um Católico que Vota à Esquerda” [“A Catholic’s Reasons for a Vote on the Left”]. Pontos SJ, 19 Sept. Portuguese Province of the Society of Jesus. https://pontosj.pt/opiniao/razoes-de-um-catolico-que-vota-a-esquerda.

2019. “Roma: Distinção Católica para um Filme sobre a Coragem Solidária das Mulheres” [“Roma: Catholic Distinction for a Film About Women’s Solidary Courage”]. 7 Margens, 7 Jan. http://setemargens.com/

2019. “Tríptico Parajanov” [“A Parajanov Triptych”]. 27.º Curtas Vila do Conde, ed. João Araújo and Paulo Cunha, 138-40. Vila do Conde: Curtas Metragens CRL.

2018. “O Cinema Devolvido ao Povo” [“The Cinema Returned to the People”]. Avante! 2337, 13 Sept., 10. Portuguese Communist Party. https://www.avante.pt/pt/2337/Festa_do_Avante/151419/O-cinema-devolvido-ao-povo.htm.

2018. “Fronteiras e Forasteiros” [“Borders and Outsiders”], review of The Other Side of Hope (Toivon tuolla puolen, 2017). Avante! 2329, 19 Jul., 29. Portuguese Communist Party. https://www.avante.pt/pt/

2018. “Igreja do Pecado e da Santidade” [“Church of Sin and Holiness”]. Laicado Dominicano 392, 3. Lay Fraternities of Saint Dominic.

2018. “Neste Tempo” [“In This Time”]. À Pala de Walsh, “Godard, Livro Aberto” [“Godard, Open Book”] dossier, 25 Dec. http://www.apaladewalsh.com/2018/12/neste-tempo.

2018. “Roma: Distinção Católica para um Filme sobre a Coragem Solidária das Mulheres” [“Roma: Catholic Distinction for a Film About Women’s Solidary Courage”]. Religionline, 12 Sept. https://

2018. “A Ronda da Morte” [“The Prowl of Death”], review of Colo (2017). Avante! 2314, 5 Apr., 29. Portuguese Communist Party. https://www.avante.pt/pt/2314/argumentos/149421.

2018. “Sair da Noite, Entrar na Aurora: XIV Jornadas da Família Dominicana” [“Exiting the Night, Entering the Aurora: XIV Meeting of the Dominican Family”]. Laicado Dominicano 389, 1-2. Lay Fraternities of Saint Dominic.

2017. “Cinema em Festa” [“Film in Celebration”]. Avante! 2284, 7 Sept., 10. Portuguese Communist Party. https://www.avante.pt/pt/2284/Festa_do_Avante/146738.

2017. “Esfir Shub: Mulher, Cineasta, Revolucionária” [“Esfir Shub: Woman, Filmmaker, Revolutionary”]. Avante! 2298, 14 Dec., 29. Portuguese Communist Party. https://www.avante.pt/pt/2298/argumentos/

2017. “A Fábrica de Tudo” [“The Everything Factory ”], review of The Nothing Factory (A Fábrica de Nada, 2017). Avante! 2290, 19 Oct., 29. Portuguese Communist Party. https://www.avante.pt/pt/2290/

2017. “A Inquietação da Fé: 1. A Segurança na Escuridão” [“The Disquiet of Faith: 1. Security in Darkness”]. Laicado Dominicano 384, 6-7. Lay Fraternities of Saint Dominic.

2017. “A Inquietação da Fé: 2. Deus na Assembleia Humana” [“The Disquiet of Faith: 2. God in Human Gathering”]. Laicado Dominicano 385, 2-3. Lay Fraternities of Saint Dominic.

2017. “A Pedra e a Carne” [“The Stone and the Flesh”], review of October: Ten Days That Shook the World (Oktyabr, 1928). AbrilAbril, 27 Nov. https://www.abrilabril.pt/pedra-e-carne.

2017. “A Poesia Nasce na Rua” [“Poetry Is Born on the Street”], review of Paterson (2017). Avante! 2277, 20 Jul., 29. Portuguese Communist Party. https://www.avante.pt/pt/2277/argumentos/146128.

2017. “Que Viva o Cinema!” [“Que Viva Film!”]. Avante! 2282, 24 Ago., 29. Portuguese Communist Party. https://www.avante.pt/pt/2282/argumentos/146573.

2017. “Terras Mineiras” [“Mining Lands”], review of Eldorado XXI (2016). Avante! 2254, 9 Feb., 29. Portuguese Communist Party. https://www.avante.pt/pt/2254/argumentos/143996.

2017. “O Trabalho do Evangelho” [“The Labour of the Gospel”]. Voz do Trabalho 628, 11. Catholic Workers League - Christian Workers Movement.

2017. “A UC Não Foi Fundada para Ser Fundação” [“The UC Wasn’t Founded to be a Foundation”]. RCI - Região Centro Informação 184, 33. Teachers’ Union of the Centre Region. http://www.sprc.pt/images/

2017. “A Vida da Fantasia” [“The Life of Fantasy”], review of Super 8 (2011). AbrilAbril, 13 Jan. http://

2016. “O Dinheiro como Monstro” [“Money as Monster”], review of Money Monster (2016). Avante! 2220, 16 Jun., 29. Portuguese Communist Party. https://www.avante.pt/pt/2220/argumentos/140778.

2016. “A Festa do Cinema” [“The Feast of Film”]. Avante! 2232, 8 Sept., 10. Portuguese Communist Party. https://www.avante.pt/pt/2232/Festa_do_Avante/141952.

2016. “O Homem que Escrevia Demasiado” [“The Man who Wrote Too Much”], review of Trumbo (2015). Avante! 2201, 7 Mar., 29. Portuguese Communist Party. https://www.avante.pt/pt/2210/argumentos/

2016. “A Lei do Capital” [“The Law of Capital”], review of The Measure of a Man (La Loi du marché, 2015). Avante! 2215, 12 May, 29. Portuguese Communist Party. https://www.avante.pt/pt/2215/argumentos/

2016. “Na Terra de Oz” [“In the Land of Oz”], review of Where to Invade Next (2015). Avante! 2224, 14 Jul., 29. Portuguese Communist Party. https://www.avante.pt/pt/2224/argumentos/141197.

2016. “Pela Mão de Catarina” [“By Catherine’s Hand”]. Laicado Dominicano 379 (2016), 7, and 380, 2. Lay Fraternities of Saint Dominic.

2016. “Porque Não Sou o Giacometti do Século XXI”, review of Porque Não Sou o Giacometti do Século XXI (2009). “Há Filmes na Baixa!” film program, 5 May. Porto/Post/Doc.

2016. “Reitoria da UC Deve Recuar: Provedoria de Justiça Confirma Posição Sindical” [“The Rectory of the UC Must Back Off: Chancellery of Justice Confirms Union’s Position”]. RCI - Região Centro Informação 183, 20. Teachers’ Union of the Centre Region. http://www.sprc.pt/images/RCI/RCI_Out2016.pdf.

2016. “O Rumor da Guerra” [“The Rumble of War”], review of The Patriots (Okraina, 1933). AbrilAbril, 25 Sept. http://www.abrilabril.pt/opiniao/o-rumor-da-guerra.

2016. “Sarita e o Cinema como Militância” [“Sarita and Film as Militancy”], review of Iré a Santiago (1964) and Y... tenemos sabor (1967). AbrilAbril, 21 Oct. http://www.abrilabril. pt/cultura/sarita-e-o-cinema-como-militancia.

2016. “A Solidão do Denunciante” [“The Whistleblower’s Solitude”], review of Snowden (2016). Avante! 2237, 13 Oct., 29. Portuguese Communist Party. https://www.avante. pt/pt/2237/argumentos/142397.

2016. “A Verdade Liberta” [“Truth Liberates”], review of Spotlight (2015). Avante! 2202, 11 Fev., 29. Portuguese Communist Party. https://www.avante.pt/pt/2202/argumentos/138973.

2016. “A Vida Sobre a Morte” [“Life Over Death”], review of Son of Saul (Saul fia, 2015). Avante! 2233, 15 Sept., 29. Portuguese Communist Party. https://www.avante.pt/pt/2233/argumentos/141993.

2016. “A Voz de Dan” [“Dan’s Voice”], review of I, Daniel Blake (2016). Avante! 2246, 15 Dec., 29. Portuguese Communist Party. https://www.avante.pt/pt/2246/argumentos/143213.

2015. “A Cativa” [“The Captive”], review of The Captive (La Captive, 2000). O Interior, 2 Apr., 13. https://

2015. “A Comunidade” [“The Community”], review of The Community (A Comunidade, 2012). O Interior, 15 Jan., 13. https://www.ointerior.pt/arquivo/a-comunidade.

2015. “Ne change rien,” review of Ne change rien (2009). “Há Filmes na Baixa!” film program, 25 Mar. Porto/Post/Doc. http://www.portopostdoc.com/home/ha-filmes-na-baixa/2015/view?id=124.

2014. “Fala e Lugar” [“Speech and Place”], review of Word and Utopia (Palavra e Utopia, 2000). O Interior, 7 Aug., 19. https://www.ointerior.pt/arquivo/fala-e-lugar.

2014. “A Ilusão do Pós-Troika” [“The Illusion of Post-Troika”]. Voz do Trabalho 614, 11. Catholic Workers League - Christian Workers Movement.

2014. “Imagens Arrastadas de uma Cidade” [“Dragged Images of a City”], review of Lisbonnenuit (1989). O Interior, 3 Jun., 13. https://www.ointerior.pt/arquivo/imagens-arrastadas-de-uma-cidade.

2014. “Imagens das Orações de Catarina de Sena: 1. Água Marinha” [“Images of Catherine of Siena’s Prayers: 1. Marine Water”]. Laicado Dominicano 367, 2-3. Lay Fraternities of Saint Dominic.

2014. “Imagens das Orações de Catarina de Sena: 2. Mar Divino” [“Images of Catherine of Siena’s Prayers: 2. Divine Sea”]. Laicado Dominicano 368, 2-3. Lay Fraternities of Saint Dominic.

2014. “Liberdade Encarcerada” [“Incarcerated Freedom”], review of 48 (2009). O Interior, 15 May, 12. https://www.ointerior.pt/arquivo/liberdade-encarcerada.

2014. “Nomes da Inquietação” [“Names of Disquiet”], review of Anxiety (Inquietude, 1998). O Interior, 20 Feb., 16. https://www.ointerior.pt/arquivo/nomes-da-inquietacao.

2014. “As Quatro Voltas” [“The Four Turns”], review of The Four Times (Le quattro volte, 2010). O Interior, 23 Oct., 12. https://www.ointerior.pt/arquivo/as-quatro-voltas.

2014. “THX 1138 (1971)”, review of the film. “O Futuro do Passado” film programme. Guimarães Film Society, 18 Feb.

2013. “Abraço ao Vento” [“Embrace to the Wind”], review of Wind’s Embrace (Abraço do Vento, 2004). O Interior, 21 Feb., 10. https://www.ointerior.pt/arquivo/abraco-ao-vento.

2013. “Casa das Caldeiras” [“Boiler House”]. Diário As Beiras, 3 Jun., 8.

2013. “Os Dias Vastos” [“The Vast Days”], review of Where the Sun Beats (Onde Bate o Sol, 1989). O Interior, 22 Aug., 13. https://www.ointerior.pt/arquivo/os-dias-vastos.

2013. “Educação em Portugal: Direito ou Privilégio?” [“Education in Portugal: Right or Privilege?”]. Voz do Trabalho 607, 4-5. Catholic Workers League - Christian Workers Movement.

2013. “Existência e Arte” [“Existence and Art”]. Laicado Dominicano 360, 4-5. Lay Fraternities of Saint Dominic.

2013. “Uma Máquina de Passar Vidro Colorido” [“A Colorful Glass Spinning Machine”], review of Autografia (2004). O Interior, 19 Dec., 15. https://www.ointerior.pt/arquivo/uma-maquina-de-passar-vidro-colorido.

2013. “Música Nocturna” [“Nocturnal Music”], review of Ne change rien (2009). O Interior, 17 Oct., 12. https://www.ointerior.pt/arquivo/musica-nocturna.

2013. “Tecer e Voar” [“Weaving and Flying”], review of The Flying Carpet (O Tapete Voador, 2008). O Interior, 20 Jun., 16. https://www.ointerior.pt/arquivo/tecer-e-voar.

2013. “A Urgência do Amor” [“The Urgence of Love”]. Laicado Dominicano 363, 3. Lay Fraternities of Saint Dominic.

2013. “A Vida Ganha” [“Won Life”], review of Get a Life (Ganhar a Vida, 2001). O Interior, 18 Apr., 14. https://www.ointerior.pt/arquivo/a-vida-ganha.

2012. “A Árvore e o Círculo: As Palavras Vivas de Sta. Catarina de Sena (1347-1380)” [“The Tree and the Circle: The Living Words of St. Catherine of Siena (1347-1380)”]. Laicado Dominicano 356, 1 and 8. Lay Fraternities of Saint Dominic.

2012. “Postulare”. Laicado Dominicano 358, 3-4. Lay Fraternities of Saint Dominic.

2012. Review of 2 Days in New York (2012). Metropolis 0.5, 75.

2012. Review of The Flowers of War (Jin líng shí san chai, 2011). Metropolis 0, 57.

2012. Review of I Wish (Kiseki, 2011). Metropolis 1, 74.

2011. Review of The Help (2011). Premiere 2, no. 38, 67.

2011. Review of Melancholia (2011). Premiere 2, no. 39, 68.

2011. Review of Offside (2006). Premiere 2, no. 37, 67.

2011. Review of Our Life (La nostra vita, 2010). Premiere 2, no. 36, 66.

2011. Review of Pina (2011). Premiere 2, no. 33, 62.

2011. Review of Scream 4 (2011). Premiere 2, no. 32, 60.

2011. Review of Socialism (Film Socialisme, 2010). Premiere 2, no. 31, 58.

2011. Review of Transformers: Dark of the Moon (2011). Premiere 2, no. 35, 62.

2011. Review of The Tree of Life (2011). Premiere 2, no. 34, 56.

2007. “Life on Mars: Fora de Tempo” [“Life on Mars: Out of Time”]. Premiere 96, 21.

2007. “Prison Break: O Suspense da Fuga” [“Prison Break: The Suspense of the Escape”]. Premiere 95, 21.

2007. Review of Death Proof (2007). Premiere 94, 10.

2006. “Cinema em Casa: Ler” [“Home Cinema: Reading”]. Premiere 77, 94.

2006. “Cinema em Casa: Ler” [“Home Cinema: Reading”]. Premiere 78, 94.

2006. “Cinema em Casa: Ler” [“Home Cinema: Reading”]. Premiere 79, 94.

2006. “Cinema em Casa: Ler” [“Home Cinema: Reading”]. Premiere 80, 94.

2006. “Cinema em Casa: Ler” [“Home Cinema: Reading”]. Premiere 81, 94.

2006. “Cinema em Casa: Ler” [“Home Cinema: Reading”]. Premiere 82, 96.

2006. “Cinema em Casa: Ler” [“Home Cinema: Reading”]. Premiere 83, 96.

2006. “Cinema em Casa: Ler” [“Home Cinema: Reading”]. Premiere 84, 96.

2006. “Curtas Vila do Conde 2006” [“Vila do Conde International Short Film Festival 2006”]. Premiere 81, 30.

2006. “Curtas Vila do Conde 2006: Elogio dos Esquecidos” [“Vila do Conde International Short Film Festival 2006: In Praise of the Forgotten”]. Premiere 83, 72-74.

2006. “Daniela Costa: Sob a Pele” [“Daniela Costa: Under the Skin”]. Premiere 79, 31.

2006. “Entrevista com... Carla Chambel” [“Interview with... Carla Chambel”]. Premiere 83, 58-59.

2006. “IndieLisboa 2006: Um Tanto Maior do que Lisboa” [“IndieLisboa 2006: A Lot Bigger Than Lisbon”]. Premiere 80, 34-36.

2006. “Inventar a Independência: Nos Bastidores do IndieLisboa 2006” [“Inventing Independence: In the Backstage of IndieLisboa 2006”]. Premiere 78, 32-37.

2006. Review of 98 Octanes (98 Octanas, 2006). Premiere 84, 10.

2006. Review of The Da Vinci Code (2006). Premiere 80, 9.

2006. Review of Hidden (Caché, 2005). Premiere 76, 11.

2006. Review of Hostel (2005). Premiere 79, 12.

2006. Review of Poseidon (2006). Premiere 82, 12.

2006. Review of Running Scared (2006). Premiere 80, 11.

2006. Review of The Squid and the Whale (2005). Premiere 81, 13.

2006. Review of Syriana (2005). Premiere 77, 11.

2006. Review of The World (Shijie, 2004). Premiere 78, 10.

2006. Review of United 93 (2006). Premiere 83, 12.

2006. “Sienna Miller: A Bela Impertinente” [“Sienna Miller: Impertinent Beauty”]. Premiere 77, 56-58.

2005. “Evocation of Fear”. Big Lens: The Kent Film Magazine 3, no. 2, 2. University of Kent Film Society.

2005. “The Nocturnal Art”, Dark Contrast photo exhibition. Fnac Chiado and Colombo.

2003. “A Banalidade” [“The Banality”]. Registos 0, 6.

2003. “Editorial”. Registos 0, 3.

2003. “Il paesaggio”. Zero Mag 5, 11-12. Zero em Comportamento – Cultural Association.

2003. “O Silêncio dos Olhares” [“The Silence of Gazes”]. Registos 0, 30-31.

2002. “Cinco Detritos” [“Five Debris”]. V-Ludo 7, 60-62.

2002. “O Cinema Justo” [“The Fair Cinema”]. AO: Boletim da Ordem dos Advogados 21, 85-86.

2001. “Dança Fúnebre” [“Funereal Dance”], review of Boogie Nights (1997). Festa V-Ludo.

2001. “Edifícios de Palavras (Universidade)” [“Buildings of Words (University)”]. V-Ludo 4, 45-47.

2001. “Estranhos Dias” [“Strange Days”], review of Strange Days (1995). Festa V-Ludo.

2001. “A Política dos Autores: Pensar a Nossa Solidão” [“The Auteur Policy: Thinking Our Solitude”]. V-Ludo 6, 75-81.

2001. “Rituais do Indecifrável” [“Rituals of the Indecipherable”]. V-Ludo 3, 61-65.

2000. “Cinema 1990-99”. Noite 01. Faculty of Architecture Student Association.

2000. “O Feminino Plural” [“The Plural Feminine”]. V-Ludo 1, 18-21.

2000. “Stanley Kubrick (1928-1999): Labirintos e Olhares” [“Stanley Kubrick (1928-1999): Labyrinths and Gazes”]. Boletim Informativo da Faculdade de Arquitectura 2000, 16-17.

1999. “O Mundo nos Nossos Olhos Atentos: Xinema, um Relatório de Actividades” [“The World in Our Attentive Eyes: Xinema, an Activity Report”]. Folha 9, 8. Faculty of Architecture Student Association.

1998. “1997: Figurar o Imaterial” [“1997: Representing the Immaterial”]. Folha 8, 7. Faculty of Architecture Student Association.

1998. “Akira Kurosawa (1910-1998): Entre o Sonho e a Morte” [“Akira Kurosawa (1910-1998): Between Dream and Death”]. Xinema 1, 1. Faculty of Architecture Student Association.

1998. “Morrer Assombrado pela Beleza” [“Dying Haunted by Beauty”], review of Morte a Venezia (Death in Venice, 1971). Xinema 3, 1. Faculty of Architecture Student Association.

1998. “Profundo Oceano de Fantasmas” [“Deep Ocean of Ghosts”], review of Titanic (1997). Xinema 2, 1. Faculty of Architecture Student Association.

1998. “Verdade e Mentira” [“Truth and Lie”]. Xinema 4, 3. Faculty of Architecture Student Association.

1997. “Intensidade e Segredo” [“Intensity and Secrecy”], review of Ossos (Bones, 1997). Folha 7, 4. Faculty of Architecture Student Association.

1997. “A Linha que Fecha a Forma” [“The Line that Closes the Form”], review of Il Postino (The Postman, 1994). Folha 6, 4. Faculty of Architecture Student Association.

Blogs and Websites

2022-. Coord. Terra da Fraternidade [Land of Fraternity]. Wix. https://terradafraternidade.net.

2013-. Common Liberation. Blogger. https://commonliberation.blogspot.com.

2012-13. Admin. Spiritual Dialogues. Blogger. https://spiritualdialogues.blogspot.com.

2010-. Writings of a Spectator. Blogger. https://writingsspectator.blogspot.com.

2009-. Gestures of the Word. Blogger. https://gesturesword.blogspot.com.

2007-. Aesthetics and Other Philosophies. Blogger. https://aestheticsotherphilosophies.blogspot.com.

2007-. The Motions of Images. Blogger. https://motionsimages.blogspot.com.


2022. Herbert McCabe, OP, “Páscoa” [“Easter”]. In God, Christ and Us, ed. Brian Davies, OP (London and New York: Continuum, 2005), 89-91. Laicado Dominicano 412, 4. Lay Fraternities of Saint Dominic.

2019. OP, Acta Capitui Generalis Electivi: “Caput I” and “Caput V”. Biên Hòa, Vietnam.

2015. Bruno Cadoré, OP, “Domingos: Governo, Espiritualidade e Liberdade” [“Dominic: Government, Spirituality and Freedom”]. Fratres Ordinis Prædicatorum: Curia Generalitia.

2015. Timothy Radcliffe, OP, interviewed by Lucette Verboven, “A Ressurreição Acontece Hoje” [“The Resurrection Happens Today”]. Based on excerpts from “Timothy Radcliffe (UK): Passionately in Love with Truth”, in The Dominican Way, ed. Lucette Verboven (London: Continuum, 2011), 5-16. Laicado Dominicano 375, 6.-7. Lay Fraternities of Saint Dominic.

2012. Catherine of Siena, OP, “Oração na Festa da Anunciação” [“Prayer at the Feast of the Annunciation”]. Based on an excerpt from “Prayer 18” (25 Mar. 1379), in The Prayers of Catherine of Siena, 2nd edn., ed. and trans. Suzanne Noffke, OP (San Jose, CA: Authors Choice Press, 2001), 188-89. Laicado Dominicano 359, 7. Lay Fraternities of Saint Dominic.