12. Community Service

2025-. Member of the Provincial Council of the Lay Fraternities of Saint Dominic (Formation Officer). Province of Portugal of the Order of Preachers.

2024-. Member of the Regional Directorate of the Teachers’ Union of the Centre Region.

2023. Presentation of testimony. National Team formation of the Catholic Workers League - Christian Workers Movement. Diocesan House of Our Lady of Help, Albergaria-a-Velha, 16 Sept.

2023. Presentation of the reflection “Paz e Comunhão” [“Peace and Communion”]. “Celebração da Paz” [“Celebration of Peace”]. Catholic Workers League - Christian Workers Movement Diocesan Team of Lisbon. Estrela Basilica, Lisbon, 8 Jan.

2022. Co-coordinator of the Synodal Consultations in higher education (teachers). Chaplaincy of the University of Coimbra.

2022-. Coordinator of the Team. Terra da Fraternidade. https://terradafraternidade.net.

2022. Delegate to the 11th European Assembly of Lay Dominican Fraternities. Vilnius St. Joseph Seminary, Lithuania, 12 to 17 Aug.

2022. Participation in a roundtable with fr. Francisco Inocêncio, chaired by Sérgio Pratas. “A Juventude e os Seus Desafios” [“Youth and Its Challenges”]. Mother Church (Holy Mary of Loures), Loures, 5 Oct.

2022. Participation in a roundtable with Alfredo Maia, D. Januário Torgal Ferreira, and D. Jorge de Pina Cabral, chaired by Jorge Sarabando. “Crise Social, Caminhos Alternativos” [“Social Crisis, Alternative Paths”]. Auditorium of the Parish Council of St. Ildefonso, Porto, 3 Dec.

2021. Participation in a roundtable with José Ernesto Cartaxo, chaired by Ana Rita Carvalhais. “CGTP-IN das Raízes à Actualidade, Sindicalismo do Presente para o Futuro” [“CGTP-IN from the Roots to Today, Syndicalism from the Present to the Future”]. Sant’Ana Market, Leiria, 20 Jun.

2021. Participation in a roundtable with Filipe Marques, chaired by António Moreira. “Debate on the 50 years of CGTP-IN.” Union of Trade Unions of Coimbra. Online, 29 May.

2021-. Member of the Advisory Council of A3ES, as the representative of the General Confederation of the Portuguese Workers - Intersindical.

2021-24. President of the Board of the General Assembly the Teachers’ Union of the Centre Region.

2020. Presentation of the reflection “Uma Só Comunidade: Fé Cristã, Fraternidade Humana, e Diálogo Entre Religiões” [“One Is the Community: Christian Faith, Human Fraternity, and Dialogue Between Religions”]. Lent Retreat of the Lay Fraternities of Saint Dominic of the Portuguese Province. Casa dos Capuchinhos, Fátima, 8 Mar.

2020-24. Member of the Executive Board of the National Council of the General Confederation of the Portuguese Workers - Intersindical.

2020-. Member of the National Council of the General Confederation of the Portuguese Workers - Intersindical.

2019. Participation in a roundtable with Isabel Melo. “Direitos das Mulheres - Combater a Discriminação” [“Women’s Rights - Fighting Discrimination”]. Coimbra Athenaeum, 31 May.

2019. Presentation of a reflection on Labour Day. Catholic Workers Youth. Justice and Peace University Institute, Coimbra, 1 May.

2018. Comment on the film Fire at Sea (Fuocoammare, 2016) and the theological virtue of hope. A Touch of Beauty. Dominican Family in Slovakia. Banská Štiavnica, 10 Mar.

2018. Participation in a roundtable with Carlos Gonçalves, Deolinda Machado, and Edgar Silva, chaired by Silvina Queirós. “O Partido Comunista Português e os Cristãos” [“The Portuguese Communist Party and Christians”]. Grupo Musical e de Instrução Tavaredense, Figueira da Foz, 20 Nov.

2018. Participation in a roundtable with Carlos Gonçalves, Edgar Silva, and Pedro Pina Nóbrega, chaired by José Pessoa. “O PCP, os Católicos e a Igreja” [“The PCP, Catholics and the Church”]. Auditorium of the Association of South Douro Valley Municipalities, Lamego, 13 Dec.

2018. Presentation of the reflection “The Splendour of Faith: Appreciating Lourdes (2009) and I, Daniel Blake (2016)”. “A Touch of Beauty.” Dominican Family in Slovakia. Banská Štiavnica, 10 Mar.

2017. Delegate to the Congress for the Mission of the Order. Angelicum: Pontifical University of Saint Thomas Aquinas, 17 to 23 Jan.

2017. Participation in a roundtable with Carlos Gonçalves and Deolinda Machado, chaired by Abílio Dias Fernandes. “O PCP, os Católicos e a Igreja” [“The PCP, Catholics and the Church”]. Évora City Council, 7 Apr.

2017. Participation in a roundtable with Carlos Gonçalves, Deolinda Machado, and Edgar Silva, chaired by Jorge Sarabando. “O PCP, os Católicos e a Igreja” [“The PCP, Catholics and the Church”]. Reception Room of the Civil Parish Board of São Cosme, Gondomar, 17 Feb.

2017. Support for the organisation of the 10th European Assembly of Lay Dominican Fraternities. House of the Dominican Sisters, Fatima, 4 to 10 Oct.

2016. Chair of “Trabalho, Precariedade e Qualificação: Um Olhar a Partir das Relações de Poder entre Capital e Trabalho” [“Labor, Precarity and Qualification: A Look from the Power Relations between Capital and Labor”]. 1st Workshop Programme “Labour and Society.” Teachers’ Union of the Centre Region Saloon, 16 Mar.

2016-18. Member of the National Council of the National Federation of Teachers.

2016. Participation in a roundtable with Carlos Gonçalves, Deolinda Machado, and Zeferino Moreira da Silva, chaired by Cláudia Lopes Pereira. “O PCP, os Católicos e a Igreja” [“The PCP, Catholics and the Church”]. Civil Parish Board of Covilhã, 24 Jun.

2016. Participation in a roundtable with Carlos Gonçalves and Deolinda Machado, chaired by Filipa Rodrigues. “O PCP, os Católicos e a Igreja” [“The PCP, Catholics and the Church”]. Hotel dos Cavaleiros, Torres Novas, 28 Oct.

2016. Participation in a roundtable with Gabriel Silva, OP. “Santa Catarina de Sena: Mulher, Leiga e Mística do Século XIV” [“St. Catherine of Siena: Woman, Laywoman and 14th Century Mystic”]. “Dominican Gatherings.” Christ the King’s Parish Centre, Porto, 20 Apr.

2015. Participation in a roundtable with Alexandra Correia, Alma Rivera, Bruno Matias, Gonçalo Velho, João Pedro Ferreira, and Tiago Ribeiro. “Professores, Estudantes, Investigadores e Bolseiros: Uma Luta Comum?” [“Teachers, Students, Researchers and Research Fellows: A Common Struggle?”]. Coimbra Athenaeum, 5 May.

2015. Participation in a roundtable with Carlos Gonçalves, Deolinda Machado, Edgar Silva, and Ricardo Coelho, chaired by Isabel Bem-Haja. “O PCP, os Católicos e a Igreja” [“The PCP, the Catholics and the Church”]. Municipal Library of Penacova, 7 Feb.

2015. Participation in a roundtable with Carlos Gonçalves, Deolinda Machado, and Pedro Pina Nóbrega, chaired by Filomena Pires. “Os Democratas e Patriotas, os Católicos e a Igreja” [“The Democrats and Patriots, the Catholics and the Church”]. Solar dos Peixotos, Viseu, 30 Jul.

2015. Presentation of a reflection with Paulo Borges, chaired by Maurício Pereira. “A Pobreza em Espírito: Diálogo Cristão-Budista” [“The Poverty in Spirit: Christian-Buddhist Dialogue”]. Justice and Peace University Institute, Coimbra, 22 Oct.

2014-. Member of the Council for the Department of Higher Education and Research of the National Federation of Teachers.

2014-21. Member of the District of Coimbra Directorate of the Teachers’ Union of the Centre Region.

2014. Participation in a roundtable with João Maria André and Mário Nogueira, chaired by Vladimiro Vale. “Ensino e Cultura ao Serviço do Progresso do País” [“Education and Culture in the Service of Country’s Progress”]. Municipal House of Culture, Coimbra, 30 Sept.

2014. Presentation of the reflection “A Imaginação Orante de Catarina de Sena” [“Catherine of Siena’s Prayerful Imagination”]. St. Joseph House of the Dominican Sisters of Saint Catherine of Siena, Aveiro, 18 Jan. Princess Saint Joana House of the Dominican Sisters of Saint Catherine of Siena, Lisbon, 22 Feb.

2013. Chairing of a roundtable on Portuguese cinema and cultural policy, with António Ferreira, Susana Duarte, and Bárbara Janicas. “A Cultura em Trabalho(s)” [“Culture at Work(s)”]. Coimbra Group of the Manifest in Defense of Culture. Boiler House - University of Coimbra, 8 Feb.

2012-. Activist of the Manifest in Defense of Culture.

2012-13. Co-coordinator of TEAR - Tecer a Espiritualidade com a Arte e a Reflexão [Weaving Spirituality with Art and Reflection]. Justice and Peace University Institute, Coimbra.

2010-11. Member of the St. Vincent de Paul Conference. Parish of São Sebastião da Pedreira, Lisbon.

2006. Presentation of the reflection “Três Idades de Casais: Perto Demais, Maridos e Mulheres, Saraband” [“Three Ages of Couples: Closer, Husbands and Wives, Saraband”]. Portuguese Society of Family Therapy, 24 Nov.