2024-. The Association for the Study of Buffy+.
2022-. Society for the Study of Theology.
2017-. Working-Class Studies Association.
2011-. Association of Moving Image Researchers (Associação de Investigadores da Imagem em Movimento).
2011-. European Network for Film and Media Scholars.
2009-. Society for Cinema & Media Studies.
2025-. Specialized Scientific Consultant. Revelar: Revista de Estudos da Fotografia e Imagem. Faculty of Arts and Humanities - University of Porto.
2024-. Member of the Scientific Advisory Board. Aion: Journal of Philosophy and Science. University of Kansas Libraries.
2023-. Member of the Scientific-Editorial Board of the collection Olhares | Art Studies. Coimbra University Press.
2021-. Member of the Scientific Commission. A Idade Maior: Revista sobre Imagem em Movimento. Association of Moving Image Researchers and Portuguese Federation of Film and Audiovisual Schools. https://aidademaior.pt.
2020-. Member of the Editorial Board. Journal of Class & Culture. Intellect. https://
2016-. Member of the Editorial Board. Nós por Cá Todos Bem.
2013-. Co-editor with Amir Khan. Conversations: The Journal of Cavellian Studies. University of Ottawa. https://uottawa.scholarsportal.info/ojs/index.php/conversations.
2013-19. Member of the Scientific Committee. SERIES: International Journal of TV Serial Narratives. Polytechnic University of Valencia and University of Bologna. https://series.unibo.it.
2010-19 (co-editor with Patrícia Silveirinha Castello Branco and Susana Viegas). 2020- (member of the Editorial Advisory Board). Cinema: Journal of Philosophy and the Moving Image. Nova Institute of Philosophy. http://cjpmi. ifilnova.pt.
Peer Review
Journals: 2i: Revista de Estudos de Identidade e Intermedialidade; Aniki: Portuguese Journal of the Moving Image; Arts; Biblos: Revista da Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Coimbra; CEM: Cultura, Espaço e Memória; Cinema Comparat/ive Cinema; Cinema: Journal of Philosophy and the Moving Image; CITARJ: Journal of Science and Technology of the Arts; Comunicação e Sociedade; Critical Studies in Television; e-cadernos CES; Ekphrasis: Images, Cinema, Theory, Media; Esferas: Revista Interprogramas de Pós-graduação em Comunicação do Centro Oeste; Estrema: Revista Interdisciplinar de Humanidades; Estudos do Século XX; Faces de Eva: Estudos sobre a Mulher; Film Criticism; A Idade Maior: Revista sobre Imagem em Movimento; Journal of Communication and Languages; Journalism and Media; MATLIT: Revista do Programa de Doutoramento em Materialidades da Literatura; Mediapolis: Revista de Comunicação, Jornalismo e Espaço Público; Práticas da História: Journal on Theory, Historiography and Uses of the Past; Religions; Revelar: Revista de Estudos da Fotografia e Imagem; Revista de História da Arte; Revista de História das Ideias; Revista Portuguesa de História; Revista Tempo; Revista TransVersos de História; RUA-L: Revista da Universidade de Aveiro - Letras; SERIES: International Journal of TV Serial Narratives.
Publishers: Edinburgh University Press; Editorial Sinderesis; Coimbra University Press; Polytechnical of Lisbon Press; Routledge.
Scientific Meetings
2025. Member of the Scientific Committee of XVIII Jornadas de Cinema em Português [XVIII Meeting on Portuguese Cinema]. University of Beira Interior, 7 to 9 May.
2025-. Member of the Scientific Committee of The Ongoing Lecture#2. University of Coimbra.
2024. Chair of the panel “Géneros Cinematográficos” [“Film Genres”]. XIII AIM International Conference. Higher School of Arts of Porto, 31 May.
2024. Chair of the round-table “Literatura e Cinema” [“Literature and Film”]. Colóquio “O 25 de Abril e a Perspectiva Cultural Europeia: História e Literatura na Relação com Outras Artes” [“The 25th of April and the European Cultural Perspective: History and Literature in Relationship with Other Arts” Colloquium]. Nova University of Lisbon, 4 Jun.
2024. Member of the Scientific Committee of XVII Jornadas de Cinema em Português [XVII Meeting on Portuguese Cinema]. University of Beira Interior, 8 to 10 May.
2023. Chair of the panel “Arquivos e Narrativas de Cinema” [“Archives and Narratives of Cinema”]. Pensar o Século XX. Olhares do Século Vinte e Um [Thinking the 20th Century. Twenty-first Century Perspectives]. University of Coimbra, 1 Feb.
2023. Chair of the panel “Cinema e Materialidades (1)” [“Cinema and Materialities (1)”]. XII AIM International Conference. University of Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro, 30 May.
2023. Member of the Scientific Committee of XVI Jornadas de Cinema em Português [XVI Meeting on Portuguese Cinema]. University of Beira Interior, 10 to 12 May.
2022. Chair of the panel “História da Luz, da Cor e dos Formatos” [“History of Light, Colour and Formats”]. XI AIM Annual Meeting. University of Évora, 26 May.
2022-23. Co-organizer of A Transcendência do Ecrã [The Transcendence of the Screen]. University of Coimbra and Catholic University of Portugal. Online.
2022. Member of the Scientific Committee of XV Jornadas de Cinema em Português [XV Meeting on Portuguese Cinema]. University of Beira Interior, 3 to 5 May.
2021. Chair of the plenary session with Jens Eder. 6th Conference on Narrative, Media and Cognition “Reconfigurations: New Narrative Challenges of the Moving Image.” Online. 16 Oct.
2021. Member of the Organising Committee of 1921-2021: Nos 100 Anos do PCP — Imaginários Políticos e Expressões Culturais [1921-2021: In the 100 Years of the PCP — Political Imaginaries and Cultural Expressions]. University of Coimbra, 6 to 7 Dec.
2021. Member of the Scientific and Organising Committees of Cinema, Aesthetics and Memory: I International Film Studies Conference. University of Coimbra. Online, 2 to 4 Jun.
2021. Member of the Scientific Committee of XIV Jornadas de Cinema em Português [XIV Meeting on Portuguese Cinema]. University of Beira Interior, 26 to 28 Apr.
2021. Member of the Scientific Committee of Semana de la Imagen UFV (SIMUFV) 2021. Francisco de Vitória University with the University of Coimbra. Online, 4 to 5 Mar.
2021. Member of the Scientific Committee of Spring Seminar 2021, “Spectrology, Haunting and Ghosts.” Catholic University of Portugal, Porto, 6 to 7 May.
2021. Respondent to Rita Benis, “O Argumento Cinematográfico: Entre a Escrita e o Cinema” [“The Film Script: Between Writing and Film”]. “Interart and Intermedia” Seminars. University of Lisbon. Online, 17 Mar..
2020. Chair of the panel “Cinema, rivoluzione, montaggio | Cinema, Revolução, Montagem” [“Film, Revolution, Montage”]. Materiality and Creative Processes in Portuguese Cinema. University of Florence and Nova University of Lisbon. Online, 29 Oct.
2020. Member of the Scientific and Organising Committees of I Intersectional Conference 2020: Incarceration and Society. University of Coimbra, 29 to 31 Jan.
2020. Member of the Scientific Committee of XIII Jornadas de Cinema em Português [XIII Meeting on Portuguese Cinema]. University of Beira Interior, 27 to 29 Apr.
2020. Member of the Scientific Committee of the Spring Seminar 2020, “Revolution & Cinema.” Catholic University of Portugal, Porto, 7 to 8 May.
2019. Chair of the panel “GT A Teoria dos Cineastas II” [“WG The Theory of Filmmakers II”]. IX AIM Annual Meeting. University of Santiago de Compostela, 14 May.
2019. Chair of the round table “Ouvir Cinema” [“Listening to Cinema”]. XXIV National Meeting of Film Societies. Termas da Curia Hotel, Anadia, 9 Nov.
2019. Member of the Organising Committee of Praticar e Pesquisar: Um Encontro Sobre as Artes na Universidade [Practicing and Researching: A Meeting on the Arts at the University]. Municipal Theater Workshop, Coimbra, 6 Dec.
2019. Member of the Scientific and Organising Committees of the 1st International Conference on Cinema, Philosophy and... Children’s World. Nova University of Lisbon, 9 to 10 Jul.
2019. Member of the Scientific Committee of III Encounters with Photography/FLUP: Placeless Places - Photography and Cinema: (Im)probable, Verisimilar and Impossible Dialogues.” University of Porto, 15 and 16 May.
2019. Member of the Scientific Committee of XII Jornadas de Cinema em Português [XII Meeting on Portuguese Cinema]. University of Beira Interior, 7 to 9 May.
2019. Member of the Scientific Committee of Encontros no ANIM 2019 [Meetings at ANIM 2019]. Portuguese Cinematheque - National Archive of Moving Images, 21 to 22 May.
2019. Member of the Scientific Committee of Screen Narratives: Order and Chaos - 12th Screenwriting Research Network International Conference. Catholic University of Portugal, Porto, 12 to 14 Sept.
2019. Member of the Scientific Committee of The Creative Process in Portuguese Film: Materialities. King’s College London, 8 to 10 May.
2018. Co-organiser of Simpósio “Imagens Pós-Coloniais, Anti-Coloniais e Decoloniais” [Symposium “Postcolonial, Anti-Colonial and Decolonial Images”]. House of Writing, Coimbra, 14 Nov.
2018. Member of the Scientific Committee of III International Congress “Marx in May”: In the Bicentenary of Karl Marx’s Birth. University of Lisbon, 3 to 5 May.
2018. Member of the Scientific Committee of XI Jornadas de Cinema em Português [XI Meeting on Portuguese Cinema]. University of Beira Interior, 7 to 9 May.
2018. Member of the Scientific Committee of Encontros no ANIM 2018 [Meetings at ANIM 2018]. Portuguese Cinematheque - National Archive of Moving Images, 11 May.
2018. Member of the Scientific Committee of the 5th Symposium “Fusions in Cinema.” São João da Madeira, 23 and 24 Nov.
2017. Chair of the panel “Disseminação” [“Dissemination”]. Variações sobre António: Um Colóquio em Torno de António Variações [Variations on António: A Colloquium Around António Variações]. University of Coimbra, 7 Dec.
2017. Co-organiser of Correspondências: O Cinema entre o Brasil e Portugal [Correspondences: Film Between Brazil and Portugal]. University of Coimbra, 12 Jul.
2017. Member of the Organising Committee of VII AIM Annual Meeting. University of Minho, Braga, 10 to 13 May.
2017. Member of the Scientific and Organising Committees of Movement as Immobility: A Conference on Film and Christianity. University of Lisbon, 24 and 25 Nov.
2017. Member of the Scientific Committee of X Jornadas de Cinema em Português [X Meeting on Portuguese Cinema]. University of Beira Interior, 15 to 17 May.
2017. Member of the Scientific Committee of the 4th Symposium “The Fusion of Arts in Cinema.” São João da Madeira, 17 and 18 Nov.
2017. Member of the Scientific Committee of Variações sobre António: Um Colóquio em Torno de António Variações [Variations on António: A Colloquium Around António Variações]. University of Coimbra, 7 and 8 Dec.
2016. Chair of the first session of the afternoon at Room Jimmy Murakami. AVANCA | CINEMA 2016: International Conference on Cinema - Art, Technology, Communication. Avanca, 25 Jul.
2016. Chair of the panel “Fotografia, Cinema e o Dispositivo” [“Photography, Film and the Dispositif”]. VI AIM Annual Meeting. Catholic University of Portugal, Porto, 6 May.
2016. Member of the Scientific and Organising Committees of VI AIM Annual Meeting. Catholic University of Portugal, Porto, 4 to 7 May.
2016. Member of the Scientific Committee of the 3rd Symposium “The Fusion of Arts in Cinema.” Open University, Coimbra, 24 to 26 Nov.
2015. Chair of the panel “Do Arquivo ao Cinema Documentário” [“From the Archive to Documentary Cinema”]. I Encounter of Visual Culture, “The Sharing of the Visible: Politics of the Look.” University of Coimbra, 11 Nov.
2015. Chair of the panel “Estudos Fílmicos 2” [“Film Studies 2”]. 9th SOPCOM Meeting. University of Coimbra, 14 Nov.
2015. Chair of the panel “Géneros Cinematográficos” [“Film Genres”]. V AIM Annual Meeting. Higher Institute for Labour and Business Sciences - University Institute of Lisbon, 22 May.
2015. Chair of the second session of the afternoon at Room Jimmy Murakami. AVANCA | CINEMA 2015: International Conference on Cinema - Art, Technology, Communication. Avanca, 24 Jul.
2015. Member of the Scientific and Organising Committees of V AIM Annual Meeting. Higher Institute for Labour and Business Sciences - University Institute of Lisbon, 21 to 23 May.
2015. Member of the Scientific Committee of the 2nd Symposium “The Fusion of Arts in Cinema.” Open University, Coimbra, 3 to 5 Dec.
2015. Respondent to Alexandra Serapicos’s and Alexandra Areia’s papers. 4.º Working Seminar on Portuguese Cinema. Catholic University of Portugal, Porto, 17 Mar.
2014. Chair of “Session II.” “The Fusion of Arts in Cinema” Symposium. University of Coimbra, 21 Nov.
2014. Chair of the first session of the afternoon at Room Jimmy Murakami. AVANCA | CINEMA 2014: International Conference on Cinema - Art, Technology, Communication. Avanca, 25 Jul.
2014. Chair of the panel “Cinema e Filosofia (I)” [“Film and Philosophy (I)”]. IV AIM Annual Meeting. University of Beira Interior, 15 May.
2014. Member of the Scientific and Organising Committees of IV AIM Annual Meeting. University of Beira Interior, 15 to 17 May.
2013. Chair of the panel “Cinema/Filosofia (II)” [“Film/Philosophy (II)”]. III AIM Annual Meeting. University of Coimbra, 10 May.
2013. Chair of the panel “O Corpo Filmado” [“The Filmed Body”]. Ibid., 9 May.
2013. Member of the Organising Committee of III AIM Annual Meeting. University of Coimbra, 9 to 11 May.
2013. Member of the Scientific and Organising Committees of Narrativas da Paisagem: O Olhar da Geografia, do Cinema e da Literatura [Narratives of the Landscape: The Perspective of Geography, Film and Literature]. University of Coimbra, 20 to 21 Feb.
2012. Chair of the keynote session with Elizabeth Cowie. Time Networks: Screen Media and Memory, NECS 2012 conference. Nova University of Lisbon and University of Coimbra, Lisbon, 22 Jun.
2012. Chair of the panel “Classical and New Hollywood.” Ibid., 22 Jun.
2012. Chair of the panel “Political Views on Screen.” Ibid., 22 Jun.
2012. Chair of the panel “Spirituality in Film and Video Art.” Ibid., 23 Jun.
2012. Chair of the panel “Teoria do Cinema (III)” [“Film Theory (III)”]. II AIM Annual Meeting. Catholic University of Portugal, Lisbon, 11 May.
2012. Member of the Organising Committee of Time Networks: Screen Media and Memory, NECS 2012 conference. Nova University of Lisbon and University of Coimbra, Lisbon, 21 to 23 Jun.
2010. Organiser of Seminários em Volta de D. N. Rodowick [Seminaries Around D. N. Rodowick]. Nova University of Lisbon, Mar. to May.
2002. Collaboration in the organisation of Nas Margens da Arquitectura [In the Margins of Architecture]. Technical University of Lisbon, 8 May.
2002. Organiser and presenter of Os Sentidos da Cidade [The Senses of the City]. Technical University of Lisbon and Fnac Colombo, 17 Apr. to 26 Jun.
Film Programming
2018-20. Programming co-coordinator of Sessões do Carvão — O Cinema Falado [Coal Sessions — Talking Cinema]. Boiler House - University of Coimbra.
2017. Co-programmer of the 2.º Programme on Colonialisms, “O Direito do Mais Forte à Liberdade” [“The Right of the Strongest to Freedom”]. Boiler House - University of Coimbra, 23 Feb. to 25 May.
2016. Programmer of “O Cinema ao Espelho” [“Film in the Mirror”]. Esther de Carvalho Theatre, Montemor-o-Velho, 23 Jan., 27 Feb., and 25 Mar.
2013-. Member of the work group for “CineAvante!,” Avante! Festival. Quinta da Atalaia, Seixal.
2014-15. Co-programmer of “Vivências Cristãs, Caminhos Cruzados” [“Christian Experiences, Crossed Paths”]. Justice and Peace University Institute, Coimbra.
2013. Programmer of “O Lugar das Coisas Antigas e Esquecidas” [“The Place of Ancient and Forgotten Things”]. Monastery of Santa Clara-a-Velha, Coimbra, 4 to 25 Jun.
2012-18. Programming coordinator of Sessões do Carvão [Coal Sessions]. Boiler House - University of Coimbra.
2012. Programmer of The Flowers of St. Francis (Francesco, giullare di Dio, 1950). “As Minhas Escolhas” film programme. Monastery of Santa Clara-a-Velha, Coimbra, 17 Jan.
2011. Programmer of “O Cinema Vai ao Teatro” [“Film Goes to the Theatre”]. Academic Theatre of Gil Vicente - University of Coimbra, 26 to 29 Sept.
2004. Programmer of “Buffy the Vampire Slayer (1997-2003).” Fnac Colombo, 4 Jun. to 28 Jul.
2004. Programmer of “By Brakhage.” Fnac Colombo, 10 Sept.
1999-2000. Programmer of “Retrospectiva Stanley Kubrick” [“Retrospective Stanley Kubrick”], including debates. Faculty of Architecture - Technical University of Lisbon.
1998-99. Organiser of the film and seminar programme “Xinema III.” Faculty of Architecture - Technical University of Lisbon. 1998-99.
Other Activities
2024. Member of the jury for the Projet “A(r)Riscar.” Ajudaris – Associação de Solidariedade Social.
2022-23. Member of the jury for the International Short Film Festival “Deus Fora de Portas” [“God Outside Doors”]. Luiza Andaluz Centro de Conhecimento for World Youth Day 2023.
2021. Member of the jury for 1.º Curtas APP.
2020-. Member of the Associação para o Ensino Bento de Jesus Caraça [Association for Teaching Bento Jesus Caraça].
2020. Member of the jury of the SPAutores - Cinema Falado Prize, Porto/Post/Doc. Porto Municipal Theatre, Rivoli.
2020. Member of the pre-selection committee for CINENOVA 2020: Portugal Interuniversity Film Festival. Nova University of Lisbon.
2020. Member of the pre-selection jury for Mar Film Festival | Novas Vistas Lumière. Maritime Museum of Ílhavo.
2020-22. President of the General Assembly. Association of Moving Image Researchers.
2017-19. Member of the jury for Shortcutz Figueira da Foz.
2014-16. 2016-18 (Treasurer). 2018-20 (President). Member of the Direction Board. Association of Moving Image Researchers.
2014. President of the jury for the 1st Pampifitas: Short Film Competition. Sixteenth-Century Rural House, Pampilhosa.
2012. Film critic. Metropolis, Jun. to Sept.
2012. Member of the jury for the 2th C Magazine Prize of the 19th Caminhos do Cinema Português. Academic Theatre of Gil Vicente - University of Coimbra.
2011-15. Commentator on the programme “Alvorada.” University of Coimbra Radio.
2011. Film critic. Premiere, Mar. to Dec.
2007. Columnist of the section “Séries em Palavras.” Premiere, Sept. to Oct.
2006-11. Film critic. Cinema2000.
2006. Film critic and journalist. Premiere, Jan. to Sept.
2006. Member of the jury of the 2nd Short Films Festival of Júlio de Matos Hospital, 4 to 6 Jun.
2005. Member of the organising group of the seminars and screenings for MA students in Film Studies. University of Kent, Feb. to Apr.
2003. Founder and editor of the magazine Registos.
2003. Guest speaker for the opening of the film programme “Cinema e Arquitectura” [“Film and Architecture”]. Manuel Teixeira Gomes Higher Institute and Portimao City Council, 12 Nov.
2000. Film screening Cinema 1990-99. Faculty of Architecture Student Association. Faculty of Architecture - Technical University of Lisbon.
1998-2000. Cataloguer of the Library Audiovisual Centre. Faculty of Architecture - Technical University of Lisbon.
1998-2000. Founder and director of the cinema group Xinema and the publication Xinema. Faculty of Architecture - Technical University of Lisbon.
1998. Member of the jury for the 17th Award of the Youth of the 51st Cannes Film Festival.
1997-98. Film critic. Folha. Faculty of Architecture Student Association.